Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Today we had church at home.  I'm still sick, as is Saoirse and seemingly Aubrey now (he just woke from a nap about an hour ago and hasn't stopped whining and crying.  Ugh.  So I decided to sit and polish up a few photos.  Some really odds and ends in the "stack".

One of the children's buckets left in the front yard.

The girls and boys have been gathering an assortment of goat treats from around the yard.

Jonah plucked this tid bit with scissors, all by himself :-)

Aubrey had just woken from a nap.  The whole time outside he was chewing on his left hand.  Very odd.

See?  Still chewing.  I have about 5 other pictures, taken at various time during our outside playtime with his hand in his mouth.

Attic 24 is our online source of crochet inspiration.  This little cover was made by Moira.

Saoirse is just starting to get the hang of the single crochet.  She rocks at making chains!  This is a bracelet she made for me.

Doesn't everyone take pictures of their glass jars?  No?  This is one of my shelves that hold most, but not all of my large glass jars.  We've been discussing buying more.  The debate was between a local source, which we can not find replacement caps for, or to go with getting an order for a box of Ball jars shipped to Ace Hardware.  All the wide mouth Ball jars have the same size lid, making lid replacement a snap.  Can you guess which we chose to do?

Another Isabella read.  This is the compilation of all the Tightwad Gazettes put in one book.  My daughters want us to buy it for them (the copy above is from the library).  I swear I'm not making this stuff up!!!  I feel blessed when I think how instead of ipods, cell phones or CD's being asked for my girls are asking for books like the one above, buying a jersey cow or obtaining free finds for fencing or a makeshift green house. 

Jed looking particularly cute today with this hat.

We have lots of rocks on our property.  We are finally putting some of them to good use.  See below...

Here they are neatly layed out for our garden border.  Moira dug up a bunch of brush, Jeremiah hacked up a bunch of the small bushes/trees, and all the kids helped carry rocks over to make the border.  Now we just need some soil and covering.  Oh, and some seeds :-)  This will be our herb garden.

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