Saturday, July 08, 2006

The big sisters

Four big sisters. Hmmm, for his sake I hope we have another boy in thefuture! Ha, ha....Actually after the first initial couple of days the big sisters have been very helpful. Now they have their moments of terrorizing each other, but overall they have been very helpful. They have done laundry, vacuumed, picking up and getting diapers. Not to mention they give out a ton of kisses and hugs. Saoirse is really into wanting to tickle his little toesies. So I thought I would post some pics of them holding the little prince. They really want to show him off to everyone who has come by. We have been very blessed to have people from church bringing us dinner every other day!


blessedmama said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Everyone looks great! I hope you are all well.

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