Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a day!

We spent the day at an old fashioned picnic.  They had a bunch of fun old time games to play.  And play we did!  It was sooooo hot out.  We were all worn out by the late afternoon.  When we got home, the van nap the boys had was enough to re-energize them, so that they wanted to go right outside when we got home.  Um, no, I don't think so.....maybe when the temps go down a bit.  Jonah was not taking no for an answer, which resulted in much crying.  But there was no way on earth I was going to take that child outside! 

I uploaded a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks.  Hopefully they will load the way I entered them.  Blogger has updated some of their features.  One of which is queuing up photos, letting you just keep adding, and adding to your list. The only thing is that it still takes forever to load!  Oh well.  So as I wait for my pictures to load I would like to play a little game.  A pattern game.  See if you can tell me what the patterns are and make sure to fill in the last one.

Pattern Game:
Pattern 1:
1.  Monday, even, ~8:30 AM
2.  Monday, even, ~8:30 PM
3.  Wednesday, even, ~1:30 AM
4.  Wednesday, even, ~1:30 PM
5.  Saturday, odd, ~6:30 PM
6.  Saturday, odd, ~6:30 AM

Pattern 2:

Pattern 3:
___________ (fill in blank)

Leave me a comment to tell me what you think these patterns mean.

Meanwhile, my photos are still not done.

Alrighty took FOREVER to (supposedly) load a ton of photos only to find out one got on my page.  I will have to try again later.  After two attempts at loading pictures I'm in no mood to try for a third.  The pictures you see above, which I also had no inclination of trying to rearrange, are of Saoirse's birthday.  And yes,what you see for cake, is indeed, real sugar laden stuff.  We fell off the bandwagon there for a bit.  I just spent two weeks on the phase one of the Maker's Diet (no all) and I'm just coming out of that.  I am hoping that will give me the incentive to stay on track.  It is very hard to keep everyone on track when we are bombarded with junk on all sides.  Sigh.  But I will keep trying, more so now than ever as we have a very big reason we need to remain healthy this coming winter.  In order for us to do that we need to keep our diet healthy all year long.  OK, off to tend to the boys. 

1 comment:

Lisa H. said...

Fill in the blank.... "winter"!

The patterns: the times, sizes and seasons of your children's births.

Very glad to hear of the resolve in the latest post. It is a very necessary thing, if we are to live soberly in this world, to feed our children real, nourishing, sober fare, especially from God's Word first. And truly, it is about the only text book we really need.
Love you,

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