Friday, July 10, 2009

tummy buggy

We had been doing so wise that is.....until last night. Jedidiah was acting a bit funky yesterday, nothing that I could put my finger on. He's been eating really great (for Jed) lately and so I did think it was odd that he didn't want any noodles at dinner last night. He sat there, rather quiet, not really involved with our dinner talk. And then it happened....he threw up. It's been quite a while since he's done that. We are sort of out of practice with getting towels and what not. Not that I mind being out of practice, truly this is not something you want to have a lot of practice with :-) I was hoping that maybe he was reacting to the new supplements that we have him on. We were supposed to go swimming at a friends house today and all the girls were eagerly looking forward to it. I didn't hook Jed up last night as I wasn't sure what the cause of the tummy problem was. He woke up and the VERY first thing he did, with in seconds of seeing me was to ask for water. I got him a cup of water and proceeded to watch the poor fellow try to drink it. I say try because the poor boy was shaking so bad that he could hardly get the cup to his mouth :-( He found that if he held his upper arms tight to his body he had better control over the cup (he wouldn't let me hold it for him). I got him hooked up right away so that I could get some calories into him. But he was only 1/3 into the feeding when he threw up again. Ugh! I called my friend to say that we would not be coming. We talked about how it could be the supplements, and she said I should just wait to see what would happen over the next couple of hours. But I knew this was not a reaction to supplements when I saw that he fell asleep on the couch, and he had only been up 2 hours! As I type this at 9 pm Jed is asleep and has been for about an hour and a half! Needless to say the girls were very disappointed. But we do have plans on going over to swim on Monday. Before we swim we will learn how to milk my friend's goats. We will be taking care of them when they go away. And on top of that we will have my sister and her family come visit us this coming week! Yeah! We are REALLY looking forward to their visit. This coming week will be bookended by two birthdays, each on Sunday. So LOTS of things to look forward to this week. I think I am getting the hang of making kefir. I made a chocolate one today that the girls actually enjoyed drinking. I think one of the problems is that I have too many kefir grains! I was recently told that you only need about a tablespoon for the amount I am making, I think I have a half cup. So if anyone out there wants some, let me know and I can send them to you. Just leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do to get them to you. Yes, people send them through the mail :-)

Well off to make a grocery list. I am hoping to get a jump start on our day tomorrow by hitting the store early. Then pick up a library book that I am really looking forward to reading. It's supposed to help with teaching your children sign language. On a side note, the girls and I have been learning to sign one of the songs we sing at church. We learned on a few weeks ago, and now we are learning a new one. I think I will try to video us signing it! Trust me it is apparent that we are not experts ;-) But we have fun with it, and it helps us to learn more signs. Ok, after the library we will do a bit of cleaning, then hopefully have the evening to have fun at the park (as long as Jed is feeling OK). Off to see about making a video.

1 comment:

Nancy M. said...

I hope that Jed feels better soon! I really enjoyed signing with my youngest son, but we haven't done much lately since he's speaking a little more now.

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