Thursday, June 25, 2009

catching up

Here are some things going on around here in list format.

Our cat had three kittens.

Jeremiah got attacked by a St. Bernard! Ouch! He got gouged on his arm pretty badly.

Jonah has taken his first steps officially at 10 months old, he is now 11 months and walking about 6 to 8 steps at a time.

Jedidiah was diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech (officially).

Jonah has four new teeth coming in...that spells, fussiness!

We have fallen off the new diet band wagon.....due to other things popping up and stealing into our grocery budget. Alas, I am trying to find a way to work it out as I have seen us go down hill with our success that we had made. I am trying to look at this as a journey, enjoying the journey and not fussing about not being at our destination.....yet :-)

Jedidiah has been trying ALOT of new foods. That is really amazing!

I made my first batch of kefir with the thawed goats milk. Freezing the milk first and then thawing it really does take the goaty taste out of it. However I kept the grains "brewing" too long and it is very tart! Try, try again.

I am trying my hand at the Above Rubies sour dough bread. I am on day three of making the starter. We shall see what becomes of it.

We started our new school year two weeks ago. Things are going well. We are not doing everything every day, BUT we are getting a lot done and I am happy with the work we are getting done. There will need to be a lot more tweaking, but it takes time to get a routine going.

We will be celebrating a bunch of birthdays this coming month. Birthday season :-)

I am doing more study in homeopathy. I was able to stop a very nasty sinus infection in its tracks with a remedy. And trust me this was a nasty infection. I've had about a gazillion of them in my years....I know a nasty one when I see it. I was going down hill fast, we had company over and I thought how awful if I had to be laid up in bed instead of being hospitable. So I looked my remedy book over, took the one I thought fit the best and kept taking it a varying intervals. And by the next day I was totally fine!

We've had a few chickens go to chicken heaven.... or wherever they go when your very own dogs play too roughly with them! We just put out our guineas, and I am hoping they will not fly off to never be heard of again. That would be gratitude for ya! Our chickens should start laying eggs any day now. I am very excited about that. I know the girls will be tickled.

We've been swimming a couple of times in our friends pond. Everyone had a blast. The girls all wear life preservers and enjoy swimming out to the floating dock. Jed is in love with the water.
And Jonah can't get enough of it either. My little fishies.

I'm sure there is more, but I really need to get back to work. I am very pleased that we are getting all our work done each day. I just really need to work in getting everyone doing it in a timely manner. It would be much better to have set times to do chores instead of how we are handling them now. But its all about baby steps! I still need to get to work on making the girls some split skirts. The best time is in the evenings when Jonah has gone off to bed, but other things keep coming up. For now Jeremiah and I are starting to watch the DVD collection of "Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World". I assure you it is more important than skirts at the moment ;-)

I will try to write a more normal post soon, with pictures (I just cut Jed's hair and he always looks sooooo different).

1 comment:

Nancy M. said...

I am sorry to hear about Jeremiah being attacked! I hope he is getting better. We had a bunch of chickens killed by some roaming dogs a while back. I started my son on a special diet about a month ago, but we ran out of the food. I hope to be able to get more next week. It seemed to be helping him. The homeopathy book sounds wonderful! It seems like you're having a busy summer so far!

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