The names are not set in stone yet. But so far this is Lilly.

This is what Jedidiah does when he hears the goats bleat:

The poor fella is scared silly every time he hears them. He will look at them just fine, until they make a noise. Then he closes his eyes and holds his hands over his ears. Nothing we say is helping. We will be having a busy, busy few months ahead of us. We are treading into new
territory with the goats. We also plan on getting a few chickens and maybe two or three Guinea hens (they eat bugs! Lots of them!). AND we are putting in a garden. Although if I don't get my act together and order the seeds we won't be having a garden LOL. We will also be putting in a small green house. So LOTS and LOTS of new things going on over here. LOTS and lots of learning opportunities. AND lots and lots of work to be done. Our children need work. Seriously, children will be so much better off if they have lots of work to do. That is one very big mistake I have made with the girls in the past. We have been trying to remedy that. It is an uphill battle. So fellow mommies, start them working young!
I love following your family ,a nd the health journey! Way to go with the goats, we are praying about a big land purchase. We can garden where we live but no farm animals. The hardest part on knowing what to do is because now we live less than a mile from our store...so much prayer ahead!
You are so right on getting kiddos to work at an early age, all of our kids are workers and it's just our way of life. Not all shooling comes from a text book and there is so very much to learn from good old team work!
Praying all comes together with your spring time ventures!
Congratulations on your new goats! I would love to have some goats. I had been wondering when you said something about cute packages and not being kept in the fridge.
We have chickens and guineas. We have lost a few guineas lately to a coyote. I just can't get them to sleep in the coop with the chickens.
WOW, Kerri. I don't know what to day...I thought it was a joke at first! YOU GOT GOATS! LOL. Well, I know your family drinks goat milk, so this is awesome and should eventually save you $ I think...I love that you see everything as a learning opportunity for the kiddos -- sooo true! And I highly agree with you about kids needing tasks/work to do, so important. Congratulations on your goats and the rest of the animals you'll be getting soon. xo
Jealous!!! I have been trying to talk my DH into milk goats for a while now!! At least he is letting me get turkeys again this year....and I will just continue to work on him about the goats! Congrats on the goat!
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