Good day all! We've had a busy week. I have a few pictures to share for this post. Yeah, for pictures :-) I also have another post that is in draft form of some "visitors" that we "hosted" here a few days back. No pictures for that one, and trust me, you will thank me!
Ok, on to the posts topics...
Homeopathic visit: So we finally got to see Dr. Mueller in person. It is funny how you imagine what this person looks like that you speak to only by phone. He was totally not what I had imagined! I loved talking with his wife before the visit. The visit itself was productive. He is positive that Jedidiah's vomiting was from the
chlorella that he was taking and he needs to be off of it for a while and we will have to use food instead to slowly, oh so slowly draw out the mercury. I have to tell you it was hard on my ears by what I heard I had to feed him......
white flour, sugar and eggs. Shudder! We will be changing his remedies as Dr. Mueller saw another symptom that he wanted to
address. I thought what in the world does he see? It was Jedidiah hiding. Jed hid the entire time we were at the appointment. Jed prefers to back himself in some little
cubby. Behind furniture, in a cabinet, under things. And this is a symptom. Symptom of what I am not sure. I had to back off of all remedies over the past week due to being just overwhelmed by things here. And ya know what? Jed only ground his teeth two times, for about 2 minutes each time!!! A total of only 4 minutes of teeth grinding the whole week!!!!!! This is HUGE!!! Jed has at times spent at least half his waking hours grinding his teeth. So this is no small matter. The progress may be slow, but I am very pleased that we are getting somewhere. With homeopathy the things to be resolved first are the most recent "illnesses", and it continues to work backwards towards the beginning of all your problems. Jed started with the weight loss right in the womb and has since had other issues come up (reflux, teeth grinding) so the weight will be the last to be resolved. That is hard to deal with when you want to get right to the main problem. But like I said, it is nice to see we are working in the right direction, as slow as it may seem to be.
Ok, on to other things. How about some food?
MMMmmmmm yummy stuff this week. I made these tasty morsels the other day and they didn't last long. The funny thing was I made them up and waited to post about it, then on another blog I saw someone do the same thing! She stole my idea :-) I made, what I call, lemon thumb prints. I have been making chocolate nut balls, but was looking for something else. As I
rummaged through my flavorings I found lemon. Sounded really great. I put just a very tiny bit in the mixture and it was just what I was looking for. Here is what I used to make them:
3 handfuls of almonds
1 /2 handfuls of walnuts
1/2 handful of pumpkin seeds
1/2 handful of sesame seeds
a couple of TBS worth of flax seeds
I whirl that in my food processor until it is finely ground. Then I add:
medjool dates (if I have them)
if no dates I give a good swirl of honey and agave nectar to the mix
a wee bit of lemon flavoring
a bit of vanilla flavoring
As I process that I usually have to add a little bit of water. Better to add a little at a time than too much as you would have to grind nuts to make the mixture the texture you need. It should be able to be rolled into balls and stick together. So roll, then press your thumb, finger or small spoon in to make an indent. I added some all fruit jam to most, and others I added some chocolate fudge sauce. Here is how I make my fudge sauce...
about 1/4 cup of cocoa powder (I have one that is very fine powder)
about 1 TBS of agave
mix the above til the agave is spread through--it will still be dry
then add enough water to make it a
fudgy sauce, as thick or thin as you like
Oh my, these were so good.

On the menu this week was bean burgers. Bean burgers are great. But they are "hard" to eat. By hard I mean that it looks like a burger and so your mind keeps thinking "beef" but it doesn't taste anything like beef. It tastes great, but you keep expecting to taste beef. I made two kinds, and prefer the first batch that I made. I will have to try to find the recipe. I made a bunch and froze them. They made great quick lunches!

This week Jedidiah's swing was put up. He is LOVING it. Really loving it! When we were at the appointment the other day there was a small climbing structure outside that Jed got to play on and I had to almost pry him off of it! He loved being able to go up and down the stairs all by himself. Our outside stairs are to hazardous for him to go alone on yet, but he wants to be a big boy and go down them himself. So he was very proud of himself the other day going up and down, up and down....repeat 50 times :-)

Jeremiah's parents came for a visit this past weekend. We were able to celebrate
Flannery's birthday with them. Isabella made a cake, and everyone got to decorate it.
Flannery turns 7 today!!!!! Wow, seven! She will be having her birthday dinner of steak, potatoes and the very beloved cranberry sauce. Plus she will have another cake!
I got a bit crafty the other day. I have seen these window stars (better known as Waldorf window stars) on other people's blogs and really wanted some of my own. I didn't want to buy the kite paper (too impatient for it to be shipped), so I got some tissue paper while at the store. It worked great! Here they are in all their starry glory.

I suppose they would shine more bightly with the kite paper but I am happy with these :-)
A few
pictures of Jonah in all his chubby cuteness. I don't think he is feeling too well right now. Hard to put a finger on it, it's a mommy thing. So he's a bit fussy than usual. But I got these the other day when he was more chipper.

Got chocolate? LOL Some little kiddo gave Jonah a share of their chocolate and this is the end product:

And last, we have a picture of our kids and kids. Baby goats love to climb! They love to climb on anything. So as a baby they will climb on their mother, but the other goats in the herd will not allow them to climb up on them. So when a baby goat climbs on you (and you allow them too) it means you are "family". Lily is like our
Flannery...go, go, go! Honey is still quiet, but she will
surprise us by becoming
frisky and playful during short bursts. She is just more cautious than her sister.