I figured out what I want to give when. The Bee Immune, Rosehip C and the Super Kids vitamins I give in the AM. I used the Bee Immune this morning and it does NOT dissolve easily in his formula. Which just means more work for me :-P So I will have to try to crush it up a bit more in a little water, then put it through his medicine port, that way it won't clog the workings of his pump. Then in the evening I give him the Bee Strong and the cod liver oil. The Berrywell is for when/if he starts coming down with something to head it off at the start! Speaking of sick, little Jonah man has his first cold. Not too odd seeing as how I had been praying more this week. It never, NEVER fails that when I really open up to the Lord, asking Him to change my heart, EVERY, EVERY single time within 72 hours one of my children (or many of them) get sick. I. MEAN. EVERY. TIME. There has never been an exception to that. I suppose I was a bit perplexed by it as I had assumed it would have been one of the older children, not the wee babe. Weird thing is that two years ago, this week in September Jedidiah got his first cold and fever, he was 10 weeks old at the time. Sort of feels like the Twilight Zone....hee, hee.
We had intentions of going to a barbecue today. But with wee babe sick and with a certain group of four girls who wouldn't get to cleaning up....well....we decided to stay put. I have been trying to get the house in order, as per the post "Take a permanent vacation" over at Living Sacrifice. This idea that I am going with will all play a part in my first give a way. Details to follow in a week or so. You will have to bare with me as I try to get to it. There are a lot of things I am trying to deal with here. I am sure most of you understand :-)
Here is a cute picture of the eldest two girlies.

Moira has decided to grow her bangs out now. Isabella's bangs finally stay behind her ears, so they are chin length. I noticed Moira's bangs getting a bit long and asked if she wanted me to cut them, but she said no. Thankfully we know how to make those neat-o headbands. They will help in the growing out process. Ok, I am off to do a few more things around here. We are hoping to have a bit of family fun time later this evening.
I can't wait to hear how the supplements work out. I'm looking into them, thanks for the info. I alos LOVE the scrap book pages, they are great. I've need heard of that sight...I've not gone there yet in FEAR of not getting off of it in a timely manner. I'll have to check it out in my spare time...not sure when that will be...sigh. I need to E-mail several people back it's the whole time thing. One day all my kiddos will be grown and gone and I'll have more time than I'll know what to do with...OK I like it now Busy with kids :)
The headbands really are neato!
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