Good day to you all! Wow, it's been a few days since I last wrote! I've been busy....but I'm sure you all knew that :-) Mostly with the normal stuff. We had a busy weekend. We went to dinner at our friends house. Lots of fun and wonderful fellowship had by all. Then Saturday was mostly quiet. Trying to catch up with stuff here. We spent time outside. Jeremiah decided to tramp through the woods with the girls and Jed. In my mommy's mind I thought, surely that can not be a good idea......woods are fine....but not without bug spray. OH YEAH! Maybe you can all see where this is going. So as soon as we came in I did a tick check. I found nothing, nada, zilch. That can't be I thought, usually the ticks don't go into hiding till late October. So being cautious I decided to check them again before they went to bed. And its a very good thing I did. All the girls had about two to four ticks, except Moira. Poor, poor Moira. The child has been a tick magnet all season long. But even knowing that did not prepare me for the fact that I pulled off 20 ticks!!!! Twenty, people!! Granted they were the very,
very, very small ones. Does anyone have a good idea of why God made those "things"? Gross. Ok, so onto Sunday. Sunday was interesting. We were in church, and I had heard there were visitors. I was out in the nursing room, and when I came in and saw the visitors I thought, "Hey, I know those people!" But for a second I didn't know why I knew them. Then it dawned on me that I have been reading their family blog for the past two years! Ha, ha. I introduced myself afterwards. I hope they didn't think it was too weird :-) Sunday was peaceful. Monday, just the usual. Throughout the weekend I have been reading a new blog. It is JUST what the Lord ordered :-) Really though my friend Angie told me about it. I started reading the archives first. Wow, it is so encouraging. It is all about the Lord. I have been learning so much, or have been convicted. She also takes the most beautiful photos. I was thinking, boy, what kind of camera does she have???? But she later posted about the camera and saying that it is the photographer and not the camera that matters most. The camera does help some, but then proceeded to show the pictures she got from a disposable camera. WOW! I had no idea you could get such nice pictures from a disposable!!! It really is the photographer and not the camera!!! Ok, so do check her blog out, I don't think you will be disappointed. Her story on her baby girl was what I believe the Lord led me to her blog for. I do believe between her story and a story I have read in Nancy Campbell's " The Power of Motherhood" have to do with the missing puzzle piece that I spoke of in regards to Jedidiah. More to come on that later as I work that out. Ok, sorry for the not so exciting post. Sometimes life is like that...and I can be happy with that :-) Today we have the privilege of pulling all the cold weather clothing down from the attic and sorting it. Oh Joyful day! I hope you can hear the sarcasm in that! Besides that we have our normal cleaning, and schooling to do. I have to run and get some milk for Jed. And I need to really get to boxing up some more stuff.

Here is Daddy and Jedidiah. I don;t know why my pictures didn't load to the middle of my blog. I just love computers, really, I do ;-) Jed isn't too happy here. He just had his diaper changed and his g-tube cleaned, all of which means it is bed time. He was none too pleased to be heading off to bed. You can see his hand up to his throat. He is doing his "throat digging" as I call it. He has been doing a lot of that as of late. He keeps scratching at his throat. I can't wait till he can acutally talk and tell us WHY he does that. Does his throat hurt, itch, what?
Here Flannery decided to join in. More throat digging. Poor guy! I think I originally decided to take some pics because Jeremiah had Jed smiling, but by the time the camera came out he was unhappy.
Saoirse and Me. Hey, this is the first time I see some of me in her. She is such a girly girl! I love it.
Flannery decided to join Saoirse and me. If Flannery's adult teeth don't decide to come in soon she is going to be completely toothless up front!!! Poor thing. She'll be asking for a lot more than two teeth for Christmas!
The picture at the top of the post is right before they all came out of the woods on said tick day! For some reason Isa thought it would be a good idea to make bunny ears. Unfortunately Jeremiah was going for a "nice" family photo, and instead we have silly kiddos doing bunny ears. Ahhhh, that's life :-) Baby is crying, must go. Little man has the hiccups.
thought you'd enjoy reading this very interesting article by Al Mohler "Are Big Families Causing an Ecological Crisis?" http://www.crosswalk.com/news/commentary/11581916/
Just visiting some members of the quiverfull blogroll. I enjoyed visiting your blog!
Belinda aka luvs2bemom
Thank you so much for your message on my site~ :)
I was so moved by what you wrote - what you have suffered and I am sure the pain and sorrow of walking in the "valley" as you try to aid in the health of your precious son ~ thank you for sharing and what God is showing you as well -- one thing I desired when walking through what I did w/ my Brighton was that God would use the heartache and the journey He allowed me to go in to help others see the light as He showed me so graciously - my spirit really resounds to what you said that there is a connection between what you experienced in your son's pregnancy and what he has gone through physically - I really do believe this can happen and that God can use this to guide us closer to Him and show us where we might have a place of repentance and such - I know He did that for me. I praise Him for the storm that I thought I'd never survive because know, I see the why behind it.
Let me encourage you! my darling baby is pretty small as well - the first year struggling w/ weight and me with WORRY too - I do think we are just now finally on the other side of it - she is gaining now praise God and it seems like it's been over night! I will lift a prayer for your son~ I get the chills to think about how God is using him in your own life and how He is showing how much He loves you and wants to have fellowship w/ you even through suffering.
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