I will have to go change her comments setting as well. I changed Isabella's last night.
Poor little man is having on heck of an allergic reaction this morning. His skin is broken out with red bumps everywhere!! The only thing different is that I changed MY laundry detergent. I was using the cheap generic brand and decided to give Tide a try along with Downey softner. I still wash his clothes in Dreft. Big NO-NO. He wasn't sleeping well for naps yesterday at all and was only breaking out a little bit. This morning he woke up at 6 a.m. and it's almost 8:30 a.m. and it's way past his time for a nap. But I think he's just feeling miserable. I worked out a dosage for some generic benadryl for him and gave him some. Hey, my sister and I were talking about all the things we had to learn in school that were totally irrelavent. But here we have a good reason to learn math! So glad we had to spend 12+ years to learn that one :-)
And Flannery has an almost shiner! I put our folded clothes on a big table to sort and she had climbed up on it to get her clothes for the day and fell and hit one of our school chairs right by her eye. The school chairs are very hard. Not wood and not metal (although it is made of metal in parts). This morning it is all black and blue and looks like someone socked her! Poor girl.
But overall things are going well. I have a bunch of cooking to do today for our fellowship dinner tonight. I plan on making twice baked potatos, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. I would really love to have some of the pumkin pie, but it's not a normal pumkin pie. It's really creamy as it is made with pudding and cream cheese and whipped topping (and pumkin of course). But it also has milk. And the pie is not baked so I can't have it :-( Bummer. But I can have some of the apple pie :-) which all in all isn't good for me anyways! Oh well, I'll start that raw deal later ;-)
Ok, gotta go start my day. Oh, I have to show you all how much the girls have "GROWN"! Ha, ha, I don't know who thought this one up, it was either Moira or Flannery. Too funny.

Here's one of the girls and their soccer jerseys and soccer pictures. Saoirse is in it just because she wants to do what her big sisters do. The purple jersey all the way to the right is an old one of Isabella's. And Isabella got caught blinking at the wrong time, but I only took one photo of the set up so here it is:

1 comment:
The pictures are so great! The girls look amazing and all grown up! I love their idea about the "long legs"! That is too cute! I also love their soccer picture! They all look so happy! Can't wait to see all of you! Love, Tracy
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