We finally found a noise maker. I know, it's not like we don't have enough noise around here to begin with. We needed a white noise maker to drown out some of the ups and downs of the laughs, screams and other banging going on over here for Jedidiah's sake. We had our fan going, but that is causing Jerry's allergies to act up. We looked on line and for a noise maker that sounds like a fan was about 50$'s! Someone at church has one and I asked her where she got theirs. At Target for under 20$. Hmmm, sounds like a deal to me. But Target didn't have it. I had looked tonight and was frustrated that no one could help me there. So I had a few more things to get but decided that Walmart was cheaper and I knew the layout of their store (I felt lost in Target). I took a look-see to see if Walmart had the noisemaker and they did! It was under 15$'s ! Yeah!! It has settings for babbling brooks, rain and other fancy shmancy noises, but we just needed the whitenoise setting. It works great!
So we have almost been in our house for 3 months already! Today the girls and I went down to the creek. It's the first time since we moved. The girls had a BLAST!!! They want to go back tomorrow. I think the next day or two will be warm enough. The reason we haven't been down there earlier was due to the ticks. But with the cooler weather they go into hiding and we were free to have fun down there. They were jumping off the little bridge into the water. Then Isabella climbed on a tree limb that overhangs the creek and jumped in from there. I really love it here!!!
Thought I would share a picture of our efforts to memorize scripture. The first one is of Moira coloring in this weeks verse. I add on a verse each week. We memorized Psalm 23, which is "The Lord is My Shepherd". Now we are memorizing the 10 commandments from Exodus 20. We are memorizing the whole passage. I found that by putting the words to pictures my girls have no problem memorizing scripture. The second picture is my memorization. I am memorizing Proverbs 31:10-end. I didn't want to spend my time on the treadmill being fruitless. And I would love to listen to some semon tapes or other types of seminars while walking but I need to listen out for the girls. So I decided to hang up large pieces of paper and memorize scripture myself. I have 1/3 of it memorized in two days!
Must go get the girlies off to bed. I can hear them "playing" out there. Have a great night.

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