Thursday, December 12, 2013

Just some randomness

Ahhhh, finally (though I am afraid to say it too loudly), we are just about back to normal.  I say "about" because Jeremiah is *still* battling this cough/cold thing he's had for a month now!  Isabella had a little wee bit of eye weeping this morning, that cleared quickly.  BUT, finally, everyone (including Aubrey) is fever free, and running around like normal :-)

The boys were really needing to run off some energy today.  Big time!  I took them outside, but unlike the pictures you see below (taken a few days ago), it was freezing outside today.  It took me more time to get them dressed than it did for them to be 'done' playing outside.  Jonah asked if we could make some hot cocoa since they were freezing.  I did, but thought to myself...hmmmm, me thinks they need a few accessories to make their winter outside playtime last longer!  Five minutes was not enough to burn off their pent up energy. It seems that we are missing gloves, and the hats I had made them a few years ago do not fit the older two.  Jonah does have his rainbow hat that still fits.  So I think some glove making and hat making are in order.  Mittens for little ones do not take a lot of yarn, so I can use what I have.  My only problem is that I've made one pair in my life (last year) and they fit horribly!  So I'm kind of afraid to tackle another pattern.  I've been searching and searching.  If any of you have the 'perfect' mitten pattern for children, do let me know!

We were able to get some schooling done these past few days.  Yay!  But that means that 'spring' cleaning will go much, much more slowly.  I did get to pulling out my birth supplies to check my stash and compare it to what my midwife wants me to have on hand.  I thought I would have pretty much everything, since we never went through with our last homebirth.  But, over the past 3 years we've plucked a few things out of the box to use.  Thankfully my midwife said that everyone gives her their left over supplies, and to just let her know what I need, as she probably already has it!  I can't believe that I only have two weeks left to pull all my supplies together.  I am supposed to have everything at the ready by 36 weeks.  Yikes!  It really doesn't seem possible that this time has come!

I am totally behind in meal prepping for after baby arrives.  As in, I have *NOTHING* ready at the moment.  My plan is to buy breakfast ingredients with tomorrows shopping day, then dinner ingredients the next two shopping days (though that leaves me cooking up until the baby comes!).  But I don't have an alternative at the moment :-)  Unless any of you has invented a time machine for me to back up a few weeks!  Ha, ha!

I think I will share my meal ideas in a separate post.  This one is getting long enough.

My seed catalogs that I've signed up for have started to arrive!  I don't know why, but I get so excited about seed catalogs!  I think it has to do with all of the potential fresh, new seeds have.  All the possibilities of growing our own food.  Never mind that we haven't been very successful gardeners!  But maybe next year?  Which reminds me, we have some serious gardening projects to work on over the winter.  By golly we'll have a newborn when the time comes to start some of our indoor plantings!!  I better have a plan in place before babe arrives.

Speaking again of babe.....s/he is still without a name.  I do believe we need to get on the ball with that.  This is most certainly the longest we've gone without having a name.  The previous longest time was finding a name at 7 months with Moira.  But I am almost 9 we better get a clue!

Ok, enough rambling.  Let me leave you with some pictures of our creek time a few days ago:

 A favorite of most of the kiddos, finding rocks.  I am usually deemed guardian of the rocks, as each child does not want another child to take any of their new found treasures.

 Everyone made it down to hang out at the creek.  Jed was brave this time around and climbed out on the tree branch.  He had troubles getting down, but I convinced him he could do it.

 Flannery trying to catch a crayfish. She failed to catch this one.

 Aubrey thought he would try his hand at catching a crayfish.  Nope, no go.

 Jonah was able to get on the swing by himself.  He was pretty pleased with himself.

Saoirse learned that it is not appropriate to bring paper items down to the creek.  Here is her journal airing out.

 I wish I could say Moira was trying to catch a crayfish, but she is 'fishing' for broken glass.  Yes, mason jars, kids and a creek with rocks do not mix.  Enough said :-)  BTW we had plastic options, but there were too many glass options as well lying around (thanks to the girls who were building a fort down there and supplying it with *MY* things.  Ah, so that is where that bowl went, oh, I see now where that container has gone to.....).

 That would be my pregnant belly :-)  Look you can still see my feet....mostly!

 Jed fishing.

Aubrey doing what he does best (besides being destructive)....being cute!  Hard to believe he won't be the baby for much longer.  Not that an almost 3 year old is a baby....but I still call him that!  I fear for our last child's mental well being.....I am afraid I may call them "baby" all their live long days :-)


Kelly Timberlake said...

I'm so excited about your birth! Can't wait to hear how it all goes and whether the baby is a boy or girl, and what name you pick--I love births and babies. I tried to convince Nathan to let me try a home birth next time and he vetoed that idea, but I'm super interested!
Praying you all stay well now and get caught up and prepared for baby's arrival!

The Southern Peach-Girls said...

Thank you for being excited! Now if only we could 'find' a name for this babe, I would feel more ready :-) Hey, if it's any consolation, Jeremiah we totally against homebirth. After our experience with our second I wanted a homebirth and he said a big whopping, NO. Then we got pregnant with number 3, and he still said no....that was until the last two months and we lost our insurance! Granted, I hope you do NOT loose your insurance, but God has His ways of working ;-) But I will say, after our last one, oh my, was I glad for a hospital and pain relief!

Praying you are all staying well!! How is your little one growing? Any new news?


Kelly Timberlake said...

Well, I think I could convince Nathan for a home birth if we can have a successful vba2c next time. He's just nervous about trying a homebirth without having had a successful vaginal delivery under our belts already. I think as long as we have a kid that isn't breech, we'd be in business ;)
Who is your midwife? Nancy or Donna?

Ella is still hanging out at the bottom of the charts and losing a percentile here and there, but she's thriving developmentally, so we are just going to keep on keeping on--thankfully we have a good pediatrician now who is not overly alarmed but still takes my concerns seriously and really helps me work through my thoughts.

The Southern Peach-Girls said...

By golly those little ones just have a mind of their own from the get go :-) For the malpositioning did you try the "Spinning Babies" websites info? When Aubrey was transverse I did the exercises and used Pulsatilla. The Pulsatilla did the turning actually. so he was head down for delivery, but was posterior.

Hmm, I haven't heard of those midwives before. So glad to hear there are more out there though since 3 of my past midwives are no longer taking care of women :-( I am using Julia. She's great. Some 32 years of experience.

So glad you found a doctor to work with! That is crucial. Our family doctor is awesome in that way. If I wanted to try out a different avenue he would help us go that direction (which included different testing or supplements and such).

I would still love to get together. We just got over the yuckies, but are taking it easy, letting our immune systems build back up!


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