The first thing I tackled that morning was to copy over the girls math DVD's. Having them use the originals is dangerous, and potentially expensive, should they loose them.
Oops, sorry for the wrong rotation, it didn't show up that way on my computer! Here are most of the ingredients that were going into our breakfast...granola. Yum!
While the granola was baking I sanitized the milking pail. I think it was Moira's turn to milk the goats.
This is our 3rd milking year, and each year I am learning more and more. The first year I did things pretty much exactly as my friend taught me how. As time has gone on and seeing what was or was not working I've tried a few things along the way. This year I am trying this cleaning tote to carry our milking supplies. I rather like it! Here I am cleaning it and adding more supplies.
All ready to be brought out. From the bottom left, going clockwise, I have....Dixie cups (for dipping their teats after milking), an electrolyte mix to put in their water, homeopathic cell salts (the combo of all 12), an herbal dewormer that they take weekly, baby wipes to wash their teats before milking, hand sanitizer for sanitizing their teats before milking and for our hands before we milk, and the last item is the teat dip. I wanted to try all natural options this year, but I was a bit overwhelmed in getting it all together. Hopefully next year.
Start the laundry.
My to-do list for the day. I got it all done! Yahoo! I can't say that happens often, but when it does, it's nice :-)
While getting the laundry started Little Mr. Aubrey got into a mess. So I had to give unexpected baths early in the day. But before I can give a bath I had to clean the tub. Trust me, during warm weather when the girls are getting muddy I don't let anyone take a bath without washing down the tub! Shudder.
Bath time is always a fun time for the boys. Thankfully it turned out to be not as watery! Somehow they manage to flood half the bathroom during bath time most times.
Finally, it's breakfast time! I check my email as I eat.
Because we ate breakfast late it was Aubrey's nap time when breakfast was over!
Milk, glorious milk! We get around a half gallon each milking. So we total 1 gallon a day. We would get a bit more, but one of our milker's milk tastes awful!
Time to check our school schedule to see which books to pull out.
We do our "all together" stuff first. This includes our scripture reading and prayer time.
Next we do our poetry reading.
Next up was our American Sign Language quiz. We usually have one other thing to do together, except on Fridays, which was the day I was taking these pictures.
It was time for more laundry.
Aubrey was awake by this time and decided to follow me into the laundry room.
I decided I wanted to try to make up a batch of natural deodorant. I've read a lot about it online and thought I would give it a try. Only three ingredients, all of which I had on hand.
I remembered that I had beans in the freezer that needed to come out. I had recently read that beans have more 'bug issues' than grains when being stored. I don't like bugs, and I certainly don't like bugs in my food! So into the freezer they went as that would kill the eggs. I know, what a yucky thought, but unfortunately it's true, your beans and grains may have bug eggs in them, and you wouldn't know until they hatched. By then...well, you've been eating bug eggs! Of course freezing doesn't eliminate the eggs, but at least I know they won't hatch. More shuddering.
Lunch time. Today it was left over chili. I love left overs :-)
While lunch was heating up I had to make some chicken broth with the bones from our chicken dinner we had the night before. There was a bit of meat left on one of the chickens, but I had help to take care of that :-)
My help. What's that you say? You see chicken on my face? I can't help it if lunch is taking too long to heat up.
We indulged in some left over ice cream (from Jonah's birthday) after lunch. I would much rather have my children 'high' on sugar in the afternoon than the evening :-) A perk to homeschooling. You can do your school and eat ice cream at the same time!
Jedidiah did lots of things during the day, but here he is coloring.
While Jed was coloring Aubrey was playing with the toy barn.
Jonah on the other hand was watching Saoirse do her typing. Typing isn't one of Saoirse's 'classes', but she thinks it's fun and hates to see her sisters having all the fun.
After Saoirse was done she, Flannery and I went to the living room to do their reading assignments.
I use as much of the free things as I can so some of our reading is done from actual books, and some from books online.
Time for Saroirse's math. She still needs help reading the instructions.

At some point during the day I needed to do some price comparisons. I just don't remember when I did that :-)
So there you have it. A few snapshots of our day. There are lots of little things and other things like the older girls doing their math, or showers, or the like that didn't make it into this. I know it's fun for me to look back on these types of posts to see how our days ran. I need to do them more often!
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