Friday, August 27, 2010

My appointment with the midwife

We had our appointment with the midwife today.  I say 'we' because the whole family went.  All is well.  We did not listen to the baby's heartbeat with the doppler as I was a bit nervous over what happened the last time.  The baby had a certain level of movement and *immediately* when the doppler touched my tummy the baby was 'freaking' out (movement wise).  That poor thing was wigged out for 48 hours!  But then I didn't feel the baby move for three days.  I was getting very worried and was going to call the midwife the following morning if I didn't feel the baby move on the third evening.  I then felt a wee little movement.  It took another two days before the baby's activity resumed to normal.  I pretty much determined we would not be using the doppler again for this pregnancy.  Clearly it has an effect on this little one. So for today she tried to get the heartbeat by the fetoscope.  She caught a faint glint of it, but the baby was moving around at the time, he even kicked the fetoscope. Too funny!  I was measuring right on target for 20 weeks.  After this my measurements pretty much, in the past at least, seem to give notice as to what size baby we are expecting.  All my 7 pounders I measured 2 cm below normal, and for my 8 pounders I measure right on par.  I asked our midwife to check my iron level as well.  It has only been  three weeks since it was last taken, but I wanted to see if there was any improvement or not.  And thankfully it went from a 10.8 to an 11.5!!  Not bad for only three weeks!  I have to just remember to take my vitamins three times a day, I've only been taking them twice a day. (the recommended dosage is three times a day)

After our appointment it was too soon to arrive at the girls book club meeting, but not long enough away to drive back home.  So we stopped in at the library.  The boys enjoyed looking at all the books.  There was one little girl there (4 maybe) who asked me to read her some books.  She turned right to Jonah and offered him a silly band.  Really, really cute.  Jonah didn't want it though, which perplexed the little girl. Later on her mother overheard Jeremiah discussing with Isabella why we didn't want her to get out a certain book.  Isabella really enjoys fantasy books with dragons in them.  But there is a lot of junk out there!  So this mom piped in about some authors that her daughters (13 and 16) really enjoy.  That was a blessing.  The daughters took Isabella over to the books to look over.  I was able to write down their suggestions for future reading.  I got out a few crochet/knitting books.  I've been feeling crafty lately and needed some inspiration.  I found these adorable knitted felted bowls.  And they had these awesome knitted felted clogs, but not the pattern.  I was able to find it online, for a small fee.  And now I think I've been bitten by the crafting bug!  I need to get my hands on some yarn!  :-) 

After the library we went to take the girls to their book study.  We hung out in the backyard chatting with two other moms.  It was a fun and relaxing time.  We got home a bit after three.  We all just wanted to sit and look at our 'new' books.  And I do believe we got carried away, because it was dinner time by the time we all realized that we were hungry and someone needed to make dinner.  Hmmm.  And seeing as how we don't have any convenience foods I had whip up some tortillas to make dinner happen.  Not surprisingly we ate really late!  But it was yummy, so it all worked out.  The boys crashed come bed time, which was a bit on the late side.

Yawn!  Now it's time to go bed for me.  Our weekend will be semi busy.  When I did my major decluttering a week ago I have found some more things to add to my to-do list.  Some are bigger projects though that will need to be planned ahead of time.  I'll have to update my side bar when I get the chance. 

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