What you don't see in the picture is the 12 cups of water boiling on the stove. While your water is boiling you can gather your other supplies, shown here. We have a gallon glass jar with 1 cup of sugar in it, 4 black tea bags, and a bottle of RAW or LIVE kombusha tea.

We spent our 4th of July with a wonderful family from church. The kids played some games, and they got some fun little goody bags. The hit of the night were glow sticks! After dinner of homemade pizza, salad and juice we went out for fireworks. Everyone, except Jed, enjoyed the fireworks. The baby was really tired, but thought the fire works were pretty funny. The girls ran around the field we were in getting to twirl their glow sticks and hold sparklers. Jedidiah on the other hand refused to look at the fire works! He didn't cover his ears with the noise, but he would NOT look in their direction. Poor guy. We went home to gobble up some yummy dessert, which was just some pound cake with berries and whipped topping. Then it was off to bed for a bunch of tired kiddos.
While our company was here I was showing Mrs. H my kombusha. Wouldn't ya know my kombusha mushroom was sprouting mold! How embarrassing. Due to some health issues we will be adding a bunch of fermented foods to our diet on a regular basis, kombusha being one of them. I've been brewing kombusha for a year, but not on a regular basis. I also acquired some kefir grains and we will be having some today.....hoping that the shorter brewing time will make it a lot less sour. So come along with me on a very exciting kombusha tutorial...
Sound like y'all had a fun 4th! I like the patriotic hair wrap, it's very pretty! My little one did not like the fireworks. He just clung to me like his life depended on it.
Happy Birthday Jedidiah!!! And Happy 4th to all of you!!! It sounds like fun was had by all! Hope everything is going well and send my love to all the kiddos!
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