Well it was Jonah's big first birthday today. The poor guy got a bit short changed on the celebration part of it due to us still being sick. So we put off the cake till later in the week. We did give him his birthday present as we had hoped it would help keep him (and Jed) occupied while we tried to rest on the couches. It was a pitiful site I tell ya. But it seems we have turned a bit of a corner and I am hoping that we will all have a good nights sleep. We have been trying to get more in the habit of not going to the store on the Sabbath. However, with us being so sick someone had to go get some
gatorade and
popcicles. So I ran out and bought a bunch of, well, junk :-) There is just no way that I will be able to cook the next couple of days, and seeing as how my oldest two daughters are ill as well that leave no one to cook (Jeremiah is sick too!). So I bought some flavored rice, noodles, waffles, bread, crackers, juice and
popcicles. That should hold us over for the next couple of days. We got some recommendations on some natural remedies to try and we started on those as well.
I just have to tell you all about an amazing blessing that we received recently. There are a lot of projects that need doing here on the homestead. Jeremiah and Joe (my b-i-l) were making up a list. One of the big items was to get the back yard cleared. Jeremiah had already cut down a bunch of trees, but the stumps were left and we had a bunch of really small thin trees/shrubs around. Well the other day as Jeremiah was driving home he came upon a date book with papers swirling all over the road. He got out and picked it up, trying to catch as much as he could. When he got home he had to go through it to see who it belonged to. He said that it looked like it belonged to someone who did tree removals. So he gave a call and the man was overjoyed that he had found his planner and told Jeremiah that as a thank you he would give us free service. Jeremiah told him that just days before he was talking about the need to clear our backyard. He basically said, count it done! He came the very next day and cleared our back yard!! We still have a lot of small brush (that could be mowed down), but oh my goodness, what an amazing blessing! I'll have to find a "before" picture to show the comparison sometime.
On to a couple of pictures :-)

Jedidiah, just looking cute. He got this new digger shirt and carried it around for a while before he would let me put it on him. He is starting to try and get dressed himself and he puts one arm in at the neck hole and then out of the arm hole and comes up to me wondering why it isn't working :-)

We managed to get Jonah's birthday sign made last night. The girls were picture happy! I never got around to hanging it up and just had the girls hold it up for the picture.

The cousins. From left to right we have Georgia (4 next month), Isabella (12 next month), Emma (6),
Flannery (7),
Saoirse (5), Moira (10) holding Jonah (1!),
Remmington (7) and Jedidiah (3). Jonah was obviously not in photo op mode. Poor guy.

Here is Moira with her birthday sign, I had not posted it in her birthday post. I try to get creative with their signs, but this year I've been lacking in creativity. Hey, they at least got a sign :-)