These are not in any particular order. Just wanting to catch up on some photo sharing.

This was my Mother Day's tea party. The girls baked some really yummy oatmeal cookies. they also made lemonade. So I guess it was a lemonade party :-)
Saoirse was the Manners Police! Too funny. She kept telling us what we could and could not do. Things like, no sniffling, no talking with your mouth full, hold your fan like this.....etc.

A picture frame as one of my gifts. This was made by Moira.

A wonderful homemade card. I just love all the homemade gifts and cards!

Jonah enjoying the pool. Unfortunately the pool bit the dust already, thanks to the puppy. There is no where to put a pool and keep it safe from the animals!! UGH! Jonah hates baths so I figured he would freak out if we even put his toes in the COLD water. I was totally shocked that he LOVED it! As you can see here :-)
Saoirse and her fancy cake made by Isabella. Poor Isabella was
disappointed in the outcome of the cake. It did look a wee bit floppy, but it tasted fabulous!

This was way too cute! Jonah with some hearing protection (which is for some shooting practice, for Daddy and the girls...not Jonah).

We found a site that showed how to get some wonderful curls by using cut off
panty hose. The girls were so excited to have curly hair for a couple of days. Here is Moira's locks.

A side
view of Moira's curls.
Flannery's curls. She didn't leave hers in for very long. She was a bit too active to keep her hair tied up! But it still came out curly.
Flannery's side view.

This was taken a while ago at the soccer field after one of Jeremiah's games. I am NOT a good wife.....I stay home during his games. I met someone
else's wife there that told me she went to every game.....but she only had a dog, and no kids. I keep telling myself that I have a good reason to stay home :-)

This was
Flannery trying to get cool. This was the only shade near the soccer field. It was really hot out. We all got a bit pink from just being there about 30 minutes.
Saoirse going after the ball. See
Saoirse. See
Saoirse run. Run,
Saoirse, run. My girls have seen the Dick and Jane books and they think they are absurd! Ha! They always ask me, "Mom, why do they keep repeating themselves?"

Jonah and I hanging out. This is how I normally carry Jonah at an outing or during grocery shopping.

Um, Jed, the rule is NO hands! Put the ball down....slowly, and back away.... :-) He's still learning the ropes.

Even though the color in his cheeks is from overheated, I have to say I love seeing him with some color! Someday, someday he may not be white as a ghost on a normal basis.

Jedidiah did kick the ball some. However his sisters kept getting the ball and kicking it far, far away. I am amazed at how far he'll run. Here I think he was tired of chasing the ball, and took matters into his own hands (literally).

Moira hanging out at the field.
I love the girls' curls! They have such pretty long hair anyway. And Jed is looking really good to me in these pics! Taller and healthier and more like an active child! Thanks for sharing the pics of your adorable family.
Cute curls on the girls!
I am struggling not to be envious... I LOVE soccer. I used to watch a couple of my friends play indoor soccer EVERY game! I love to watch soccer! Of course, I cannot run and play myself now... too tired to walk most days... but I wish I had an excuse to go watch someone play! We even tried renting soccer movies from Netflix, but they were usually foul (no pun intended).
Anyway, I am just being a big baby...
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