I have a ton of things to write about....just no time to do so! I actually have a couple of posts in draft form that I never finished. We've been doing a bit of spring cleaning. Once that is done I plan on doing a video house tour. Some of the things I want to write about are: Jonah, an update on Jedidiah, how our new diet is going and about the projects we've been working on. But for now I am just taking a quick break, eating some very, very, yummy, just baked bread. I do want to leave you with some really nice pictures I got of the girls. I was really excited to have gotten (hand me down) my hands on
Photoshop! I am really excited to get to know how to use it. For now I have used it to adjust the contrast/brightness of some of the photos.

Our bean-y baby. Here's Jonah inhaling a bowl of beans.

Most of the gang (minus the baby) ready to look for some plastic eggs. The eggs each contained a puzzle piece that when put together led to some wonderful goodies from their Nana and Grandpa.

Look at the cutie pie! All smiles after an afternoon nap.

This was the only picture of
Saoirse I got on our girlie photo shoot. She wasn't feeling really well. They had just gotten done finding
their goodies and I wanted to get a picture of all the girls wearing these cute hair ties. That led to a whole bunch of photo opportunities, some of which are below.
Saoirse was on her way inside to hang out with Nana and Grandpa.

Just a cute picture of Jonah. He and
Flannery are very similar in many ways. One of those ways is in not being very photo friendly. But every once in a while you can catch a great one.

Jedidiah on the go. You may be able to tell that he has thinned out again. That will be talked about in his update, when I get around to it :-)

Isabella is looking so much more mature! Scary!!!! She is a young lady with a lot of potential. Right now we are working towards that "potential" part :-)

Isabella again.

Moira is in the process of growing out her bangs (as are the rest of her sisters), and sometimes it makes her looked disheveled, and other times it looks cute. Here, all dressed up, I think it looks charming.

Moira, looking quite dramatic (she doesn't take after anyone here in this house....especially not her mother---I'm being silly here for those of you who do not know me). In her hand you will see the red hair tie. Each girls is a bit different. They each have little things tied to the end of the shorter pieces. On Moira's it's little red flowers. They look amazingly cute, especially when they are all wearing them at the same time.

Here is a great one of
Flannery. I really love her natural smile. The only problem with
Flannery and picture taking is she LOVES to say, "cheese", and make a really big fake smile. I try to tell her to just be herself, and give me her normal smile, but that never seems to work.
Here is a neat one of Isabella. I've taken a fancy to photography. I would really like some nice pictures of the children. Something frame worthy. With a little reading on it I am trying some new angles. I want to try to shoot manually as well. We have a point and shoot camera, so that has a limited ability in manual mode. But I know you can get great results, I just need the know-how.
So there ya have it, this will have to tide you over till I can catch some time to write up a real post.
1 comment:
Great pictures! Sounds like everyone had a lot of fun! I hear photoshop is awesome. Good luck with your photography!
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