Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just some ramblings

Well nothing too new has been going on here at the home front. I thought I would pop in and just say "hi". I am on our back computer so I do not have access to any photos, so no new photos to share just yet. If I get time later I may just put a post up with a montage of our recent pics. We have been busy here tying to get things in better order. As I have written recently, we are trying to get back into a deeper level of homeschooling. I finally received the school books I needed to start Spell to Write and Read (SWR) with the three older girls. Saoirse was highly disappointed that she didn't get a red book like her sisters.

Jeremiah and I had a night out last night with some friends of ours. We went out to dinner and had some wonderful fellowship! We brought the baby along and he cooperated by falling asleep before our food arrived. We had a wonderful older girl come over to help Isabella man the troops. What a blessing it was to go out for a cooking and NO cleaning up :-)

Jedidiah is not doing too well at this time :-( He seemed to have it two weeks ago when I did. However he has thrown up every day now for about 6 days. On top of that he has missed a few feedings due to clearly "telling" us that his tummy was not up to food. Something tells me that he doesn't have the tummy bug, but it seems that the bug he did have has left him unbalanced. He is having issues with bowel movements, which is causing him pain and discomfort. On top of that he started to press on his throat (something he hasn't done in over two months), pressing on his cheek (again two months without) AND yesterday he spent about 10 minutes grinding his teeth. Now the teeth grinding may have to do with introducing a new homeopathic remedy that same morning. That has happened to him in the past. For now we wait and see. We were able to pick up some raw goats milk yesterday so we will start that today. It is possible that the tummy bug has wiped his intestinal tract "clean" from the good bacteria and the raw milk may help. Although his formula does contain good bacteria. This is where I commence banging my head against a wall :-) I am afraid to weigh him at this moment since I am certain he has lost weight. Alas, we shall persevere in prayer and wait for the Lord's healing.

We finally have the goat fencing in and the dog fencing. And get this.....Kala has been tied up for a month and Shiloh about 4 months. Our electric fence went out and they figured it out. Now they are "free"....and do you know what they do now?????Anyone want to take a guess? They sit in ONE spot or pace in ONE spot starring (and drooling) at the goats! HELLO!?!

The baby is awake so I must take off, but before I do Isabella wanted me to give her blog a plug :-) She asks me daily to check her blog for comments...... hint, hint.

1 comment:

Bethany W. said...


I can imagine a bit of the torment you must be feeling with Jedidiah's relapses. We will pray for him this morning.


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