Ok, I told you about the funny picture I have. Do any of you remember that silly thingy we used to do as kids that went something like this:
Hi, my name is Chubby. My momma calls me Chubby, my papa calls me Chubby, EVEN my dog calls me Chubby. One day we were driving down the road.....
Ok, do you all remember that? If not then maybe this will remind you:

Ok, we were laughing just too hard about this. Actually Jonah's face was really puckered up, but by the time I got the camera and took this picture he had moved his hand and his face is just a little bit puckered up. Too cute!! Hope this gave you all a chuckle, have a great day. I need to go and do something productive now :-)
I COMPLETELY remember that! How hilarious!!! :-)
WOW!!!! He is such a cutie! And a chunk!! But I am beginning to think you and I did not grow up in the same house after all...what is that song/saying thing? I do not remember that at all! You and I seem to have a lot of the same memories one day, and then BAM! You surprise me with something I never heard of! Oh well..I LOVE the aprons! I need to whip me up some! Now that I will be in one place for awhile, I can actually start making things for myself and the kids and not have to worry if I'll have room to pack it for the next trip! Keep up the good work! Talk to you soon!
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