Then after church Jerry's parents came over to see Jedidiah and to celebrate Moira's b-day. We had cake and a fruit tart. Moira got a beautiful outfit from Nanna and Grandpa. It was a pretty pink shirt and flowery skirt. Very Moira. I put a pic down below. Then we gave her our gift, which was a princes castle by Playmobil. The girls really love Playmobil's. There are so many kits to choose from. And they play with them ALL day long!! We only have a couple of Playmobil kits, but they are very treasured. The day was wonderful, even with one very loud, tired Saoirse! The baby slept the entire time. Now if Nanna and Grandpa came at 10pm, well they would have seen Jedidiah in full action.

1 comment:
Happy Borthday Moira,
Love from all of Us! xoxo
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