Saoirse was born with little hair. At the age of two, she still doesn't have much hair! All her sissies wanted to wear pigtails, and she came up to me with two hair ties to do her hair. Now for the past few days she asks for me to do her hair. The funny thing is that she is my only one who wants her hair done (comparing her to the others at the age of 2), but she doesn't have enough hair! Isabella had an abundance of hair at age 2, but would run at the sight of a brush. Oh well, we just have to work with what we got.
We are almost at the 4 week countdown to baby birthday. So we start the hunt for baby clothes. Washing them. Getting our bedroom ready for the birth. I can't believe it is getting so close. I am really enjoying feeling the baby move around and it always makes me a bit sad to think that soon this child will not be inside of me. But at the same time I am excited to meet this baby and see "who" it is. We are still working on a girls name. We will be testing our theory on our own "gender predictator". My theory is that we only can seem to find a name we really like in one gender. So far that has been a girls name. Except for this baby. The only name I am really loving is a boy's name. So I am predicting that this baby is a boy. But only time will tell if my theory is correct. If it is a girl, I am really hoping a name will pop out to me! I do like one, but it doesn't have that "pull" to me like my other girl's names did. That is how all the boy's names felt to me in the last 4 pregnancies. They just didn't sit right with me. It will be so exciting to see if this baby is a boy or girl.
Well things need to get done and children are asking for me to play with them. So I must be off.
1 comment:
Hi Kerri,
My girls were bald till the age of two.
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