After a wonderful New Years celebration, it is time to get ready for a couple of birthdays! Aubrey's is up first, and he turned 8 years old. I feel bad, as I can never seem to be on top of things to have a big birthday ready for him. Being that it is after the holidays it seems to always catch me by surprise. Aubrey wanted to make his own cake this year. Over the past few years the girls have been in charge of making the cakes. Now that the littles are not so little, they want to make their own cakes! So that's what he did.
Turning 8 kind of went to his head....quite literally. He was thinking that he could handle stopping the hay bale rolling off the pick up truck...all by himself. There were four of us lined up to stop the hay bale as it rolled off the back of the truck. It's just how we deal with huge hay bales around here. Anyways, Aubrey lunged...LUNGED...for the hay bale, and before any of us could react he found himself, face down with the hay bale rolling up on his head!
He had a nice sized scrape. I watched him closely to see if he had a head injury. All seemed fine, until about 36 hours later when I realized he had bruising under his eyes! Yikes! His forehead was all swollen up, which I expected, but I was not expecting bruising to show up under his eyes! A trip to the ER showed that all was well. Phew!
A handful of days later it was little misses birthday. Merida turned 5! I can't believe my youngest is 5. For many, many years, the youngest was no older than 3. Merida wanted an ice cream cake, but wait, no a Barbie cake, no,no...a Paw Patrol cake....well, when we went to the store she ended up picking a premade Shopkins cake!
Merida also happens to be our youngest child to loose a first tooth. It was a few days before she turned 5 when she was screaming...SCREAMING...that her tooth fell out. There was blood, but all her teeth were there. She kept insisting it fell out. Nope, all teeth accounted for! She wouldn't let me feel for a loose tooth till later that night. And, sure enough, she had a tooth hanging by a thread. Like how did that happen? When? All my kids notice a loose tooth way before they are hanging by a thread. She was terrified she was going to swallow it during the night. Thankfully that did not happen, and the tooth came out the following morning.
Flannery made some comments on the amount of drama that went on for the loose tooth (by Merida). I laughed, a lot, and reminded her that she was the last to be able to speak on that!!! Flannery would FREAK out whenever she got a loose tooth. She freaked out until it fell out, which unfortunately was always a couple of weeks after she noticed it was loose. I mean, crying, and screaming! I started to get anxiety thinking we were going to have to go through that again with Merida. Though that was before she let me feel for a loose tooth, and I thought she was going to follow the same timing as my other children....taking two weeks for a tooth to come out...or even longer!
Homemade cakes by Aubrey! He had a little help from Merida. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth over sharing cake decorating duty! Aubrey wanted to do it ALL himself.
With the kids getting older some of our traditions are mutating. The birthday sign is supposed to be done the night before, and hung up for the birthday child to see on their actual birthday, as a surprise. The surprise being the design of the sign. However, Aubrey and Merdia, wanted to be in on the design and coloring of their own birthday signs. The older girls protested much, as this is NOT how birthday signs are to be done!!! Change is hard people....hard.
You can barely see the bruising under his eyes. I assure you it was very noticeable in person! But you can see his whole forehead is swollen. And to think that he didn't even have a headache after all of this, just the first night! No more hay bale tackling for you!
Merida is a total ham when she knows the camera is out. She insists on posing in at least 30 or more poses, which you must capture each one, AND show her them all! Taking her picture takes a very, very long time!

Pose 17. Ha, ha!
Merida asked for the 'cup game', which took quite a while to figure out what she was talking about. Then I realized it was the punch game that Jed had for his birthday party last year. Jed's was in the shape and color of a Pokeball. For Merida we made a cupcake.
She could hardly wait until we could take off the little plastic purse. Once we got it off she forgot all about it! Oy. Now she has some little trinkets and paper stored in it.
Although she didn't make her own cake, she did insist of putting on her own candles!
Turning 8 kind of went to his head....quite literally. He was thinking that he could handle stopping the hay bale rolling off the pick up truck...all by himself. There were four of us lined up to stop the hay bale as it rolled off the back of the truck. It's just how we deal with huge hay bales around here. Anyways, Aubrey lunged...LUNGED...for the hay bale, and before any of us could react he found himself, face down with the hay bale rolling up on his head!
He had a nice sized scrape. I watched him closely to see if he had a head injury. All seemed fine, until about 36 hours later when I realized he had bruising under his eyes! Yikes! His forehead was all swollen up, which I expected, but I was not expecting bruising to show up under his eyes! A trip to the ER showed that all was well. Phew!
A handful of days later it was little misses birthday. Merida turned 5! I can't believe my youngest is 5. For many, many years, the youngest was no older than 3. Merida wanted an ice cream cake, but wait, no a Barbie cake, no,no...a Paw Patrol cake....well, when we went to the store she ended up picking a premade Shopkins cake!
Merida also happens to be our youngest child to loose a first tooth. It was a few days before she turned 5 when she was screaming...SCREAMING...that her tooth fell out. There was blood, but all her teeth were there. She kept insisting it fell out. Nope, all teeth accounted for! She wouldn't let me feel for a loose tooth till later that night. And, sure enough, she had a tooth hanging by a thread. Like how did that happen? When? All my kids notice a loose tooth way before they are hanging by a thread. She was terrified she was going to swallow it during the night. Thankfully that did not happen, and the tooth came out the following morning.
Flannery made some comments on the amount of drama that went on for the loose tooth (by Merida). I laughed, a lot, and reminded her that she was the last to be able to speak on that!!! Flannery would FREAK out whenever she got a loose tooth. She freaked out until it fell out, which unfortunately was always a couple of weeks after she noticed it was loose. I mean, crying, and screaming! I started to get anxiety thinking we were going to have to go through that again with Merida. Though that was before she let me feel for a loose tooth, and I thought she was going to follow the same timing as my other children....taking two weeks for a tooth to come out...or even longer!
Homemade cakes by Aubrey! He had a little help from Merida. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth over sharing cake decorating duty! Aubrey wanted to do it ALL himself.
With the kids getting older some of our traditions are mutating. The birthday sign is supposed to be done the night before, and hung up for the birthday child to see on their actual birthday, as a surprise. The surprise being the design of the sign. However, Aubrey and Merdia, wanted to be in on the design and coloring of their own birthday signs. The older girls protested much, as this is NOT how birthday signs are to be done!!! Change is hard people....hard.
You can barely see the bruising under his eyes. I assure you it was very noticeable in person! But you can see his whole forehead is swollen. And to think that he didn't even have a headache after all of this, just the first night! No more hay bale tackling for you!
Merida is a total ham when she knows the camera is out. She insists on posing in at least 30 or more poses, which you must capture each one, AND show her them all! Taking her picture takes a very, very long time!

Pose 17. Ha, ha!
Merida asked for the 'cup game', which took quite a while to figure out what she was talking about. Then I realized it was the punch game that Jed had for his birthday party last year. Jed's was in the shape and color of a Pokeball. For Merida we made a cupcake.
She could hardly wait until we could take off the little plastic purse. Once we got it off she forgot all about it! Oy. Now she has some little trinkets and paper stored in it.
Although she didn't make her own cake, she did insist of putting on her own candles!