Wow! It's been a while. I keep meaning to get on and then something comes up. Not anything bad, just busy stuff. Like right now I have a whiny baby, making it hard to type. This baby, I tell ya....he's being a fussy one. I think he is teething. So that means less sleep, more fuss.
We had a wonderful conference here two weeks ago. We ended up hosting one gentleman for the weekend and three other young men for one night. I was just absolutely stunned by these young men's manners. They were so polite and helpful. Totally the opposite picture that the world paints for what young men should be like. It was very encouraging!! I was able to hear a lot of the conference this year :-) It was very uplifting and challenging at the same time. A lot of things that the Lord has laid on my heart just came together that weekend. I think I am still sorting some things out though.
We were going to go caroling this evening, but unfortunately sickness has hit the other families. I suppose we shall spend our evening singing here in our home and eating up all the yummy cookies :-) We've been eating WAY too many sweets!!! I. need. sugar. Ha, ha.
On Jed news...he's doing pretty well. I put back a small (VERY small) amount of fat into his diet and he broke out with a rash and his teeth grinding has been much worse. Interesting, very interesting. But despite the fact that the fat gave him the runs for almost a week, he has gained weight. Bravo.
I have been spending my "free" time reading up on homeopathy. I would really like to be able to help our family and others to use homeopathy instead of the common OTC
meds. Homeopathy is just so much more safer and effective in eliminating the problem as opposed to covering up the problem like
OTCs do. There is lots to learn. It seems almost like a foreign language. I guess it seems that way only because homeopathy's premises on disease is totally different from what I've been taught all my life. It is very interesting and refreshing all at the same time.
My "free" time has been very limited lately, as one would notice on the lack of posts I have been putting up. Jeremiah and I had started to talk about changes that needed to take place in our family these past few weeks. No real changes had been made as we had been in talk mode. However a situation arose that has made us jump into implementing those "talks". I am so very thankful that we have a body of believers who are of like mind and who care enough to bring up 'hard' issues. On top of that we are still working out our school
curriculum decisions. I think we will be slowly working in one or two things at a time. My goal is to have a few things lined up for those slow times around here. There will be a lot more working going on over here and less play. Not to mention a whole lot less movies. Actually all entertaining movies are out. We are keeping all educational movies. It was interesting that in the past few weeks I had really taken a notice about even our "good" movies. We had been letting them watch Little House on the Prairie. I never knew how much those movies were not in line with our family vision! Yikes!!! It is amazing when you really start looking at EVERYTHING with scripture as being the measuring stick.
Baby is awake, so I need to go. I have some pictures of some 3-D paper snowflakes we have made that I would like to put up. Maybe later on today when Jeremiah is home.
I wrote the following on Jed a few days ago. It was at the bottom of this post as it was in edit form. So I hadn't seen it. This is a bit more indepth than the above info on him.
Jedidiah is doing OK. He has been
Prilosec free for over a month now!!!!
Truly amazing! He was looking so great that the doctor asked for me to take a picture of him. I
couldn't get to it that day and when he woke up the following morning he looked horrid!!!He was a fussy mess for the next two days. Since then he is looking on the slim side. He may have grown taller. But he also lost a few ounces, however he has not "lost" anything by mouth.
Hmmmmmm. As I told someone earlier, I am ready to get off this
roller coaster. So seeing as how he was slimming down I put some fat back in his diet (coconut oil). And two things happened. 1. He started grinding his teeth a whole lot more. 2. He broke out with a rash on his upper torso, one which he would
commonly have in the past. Insert a picture of person banging head against wall here!