Sunday, November 30, 2008
I don't have any great ideas for a title!
I also had a wonderful revelation this week as well in regards to parenting. I think it would be a bit much to type it all out. But it took a huge weight off of me. I was praying for a family who is in financial straights when the Lord spoke to me. He basically showed me that I could totally rely on Him to meet our needs when Jeremiah has been without a job, yet I don't trust Him in the outcome of our children. Hmmmmm....Yup, He got me! I think its because with a job there there isn't anything (besides praying) that I can do, yet with parenting there are quite a few things that the Bible itself says I am to do. And so the weight of parenting has been on my shoulders. Not where it is supposed to be. I wish I was an eloquent writer and I could make better sense with all of this. It was a profound revelation for me. My sister also had a profound revelation, which has to do with education, or the lack thereof. Time does not allow me right now to get into it. The basic idea is that our education was lacking in real facts. Like the turkey, pilrgrims and indians. The real thanksgiving did not happen for the reasons we learned in school. Someday I will have to get back to this idea of "education", but our computer is about to lock me out of the internet.
I have come across a very, very interesting article (interview really) on vaccinations. Very interesting. With the web it is so hard to know what is real and what is not, so I try to be careful. However, this is just too interesting not to pass on. The interviewer has some other articles he wrote that were intriguing. Look at the one on HIV. Things that make you go, hmmmm.
I must be off, the computer is about to lock up. We have it set on a timer so if this post is a bit confusing it is because I am in a rush to beat the clock. And with all the stuff I have to do for the week, I won't be able to post again till next weekend.
Check out the article
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wow, a whole week...

I'm starting this post with pictures only because I am too lazy to drag them all down below the post! I asked Jeremiah to take a picture of me with each of the girls when we had our bonfire. This is Saoirse and I.

Moira and I taking a pose before the fire. our fire was multipurpose. We got rid of some movies and books that were not fit to pass on.

Saoirse giving us a very funny look. She and Flannery were sharing a seat, trying to stay warm, in the 'freezing cold'. :-)

Jedidiah and I. This is Jedidiah's new winter coat. He had just gotten it that evening and wouldn't take it off! Too funny. You can see he has a graham cracker in his hand he was munching on. We were making s'mores! Yummo!

Jeremiah just tending the fire, deep in thought, thinking about some deep, deep theological issues no doubt :-) Ok, probably not. He got lots of "advice" about tending that fire! Mostly coming from certain 11, 9, 6 and 4 year olds :-)

Isabella, Jeremiah and Jedidiah all hanging out. At this point Jed was getting sleepy. He did eventually fall asleep in my arms. We had a wonderful time around the fire. It is one of those things wonderful you want to do it all the time, but one of the things that makes it special is that it isn't done all the time! I hope that made sense.

This is what happens when you have given up naps, but still need them :-) I had gotten him down from his feeding and he climbed up in the computer chair to watch the screen saver (it is set with rotating through all our pictures) and he conked out!

Jedidiah really thought the snow thing was fascinating! After his time in the snow he came in and was looking through the shoe box and had found some red and black snow boots. They are now his favorites and he wears them all the time!!!!! They are only twice his size!!

Flannery contemplating the snow? Unlikely! She usually doesn't stay still for long, so this is a rare shot :-)

Jedidiah all happy about his new found skill.....jumping off the couch.

Here he is mid-air! Too funny! He did this again, and again, and again.....

Jonah looking all cute! Too precious! I love the way he "talks" now. I need to get it on tape!

Here is Jonah and the ark! At least the animals of the ark! I didn't have a lot of time to write much, I guess that will have to wait till next weekend. I have been tagged by two people to do some meme's (I think that's what they are called). I'll post those next weekend too. This weekend Jeremiah was at a conference, and we had computer problems.
my actual post:
Friday, November 14, 2008
just some random pictures

It finally happened! Our boy was dressed in a pink frilly dress. I had suspicions that the girls were up to something. They are usually not that willing to take the baby! Ha ha! They came out saying, "Look ma at your little girl!" Um, yeah......I am sure Jonah will be thrilled to see these some years from now :-)
Look at this adorable baby! This green sweater is like 30 years old!!!! It was one of mine or my siblings sweater! As is the bonnet. It is a bit on the girly side, but it still makes a cute baby. :-) Yes, my girls are having too much fun with baby clothes. They have the girl clothing in their baby doll basket. Jedidiah was a bit too fragile for them to hold and carry, so they are heaping all their pent up baby dressing desires on poor Jonah.
And this was just too funny not to post. This is Jeremiah enjoying tea with the girls. They got all dressed up and fancied up their small round table for tea. This is what happens when Daddy joins in!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My lack of posts
In Jedidiah news....I talked to the homeopathic doctor today. I want to be very excited about what he had to say, and I am, at the same time I'm nervous that this may be another dead end. However since no one before has had a single clue as to what may be going on with him, the fact that he seems to have an idea AND that he has remedies for this has made me a bit hopeful. He has also cured other children who were 3 to 6 years (!) behind in growth and they are now at a normal height and weight. This has been a very long road. I have to say I need to be thankful that in perspective and relative to what other people may have gone through it really has not been that long. But at the same time, for almost two years we have known that something has been wrong but have not been able to figure out what. The major factor he believes is contributing to Jed's situation is mercury. The other is the allergy meds that I took while pregnant with him. So we will be doing remedies to purge his body of those things. Quite a few of his symptoms (teeth grinding, sensitivities with his mouth, the profuse sweating and the supposed milk allergy) he believes are from mercury toxicity. We will see what happens. We should be getting some of the remedies in the mail very soon and will start on the immediately. He told me though to not expect an overnight change, as homeopathy takes time to work. At least in these cases of purging the body of the toxins. He had some very interesting things to say about systemic yeast. He does believe Jed has that, HOWEVER, yeast is not the problem. He believes that the body is using the yeast as a defense mechanism. He says that the body is using the yeast to get rid of the mercury. I'm too tired to go into it all right now. But it is fascinating. So to get rid of the yeast would not be good as his body would try to resort to some other means to rid his body of the toxins. If we get rid of the toxins we will get rid of the yeast. I'm very worn out emotionally from all of this. The highs, the lows, the waiting.....I really want to be done with this. If it was me suffering from something that would be one thing, but for it to be with my child....I'm just not so patient. But I really don;t have a choice now do I? :-) I'll make sure to tell you all how he makes out with this. I really can't wait for the day that I can post a picture of a healthy Jedidiah! Oh, the thought just makes my heart jump!
Have a wonderful night. I am going to post a separate post with just pictures and captions. I would love to blog about it all, I just don't have the time right now. Enjoy.
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility ePatterns
As a side note I have a couple of posts that are in draft form right now. I've not had the time to get to them. It seems something always comes up.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
A little clarification
As a side note (I think my whole blog is a list of side notes :-)) we got out early today to vote. No lines, it was in and out for us. There has been so much talk on the elections. I don't get into all of that "stuff". Not that politics is not important. But truly, it is only the Lord who can change the heart of a king. And no matter who wins we will need that divine changing! I have heard about people fasting and praying for our country these last few days. I do believe we will need more of that even after the elections. I think there is a very good reason that the Lord continually told the Israelites to remember His deeds AND to tell them to their children and their children's children. It is easy to loose hope for our country, with all the news that we hear. However it is proven that when a people come together and humble themselves before the Lord that He will intervene. We are prone to forgetting. I can't tell you how many times when I have read a passage that I thought, now HOW could they have done that!! The Lord did this and this and this and they STILL went off and rebelled, etc. Then I have to stop and realize that we (I) are NO different. I have these amazing testimonies of the work of the Lord in our life and I will still loose hope or fear. I turn my attention elsewhere. When what I really needed to do was to proclaim the works of the Lord.
Jedidiah's speech therapist will be here soon. I need to go put some food together while the baby is sleeping. He's not been napping too well as of late.