Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Weight gain
Here is a funny. We have this wonderful tincture for colic called Colic Ease (from Wish Garden Herbs) that I have been using for Jonah. Jedidiah has been very enamored with anything I have for the baby and will usually pick it up, look at it and then hand it to me. Well one day he picked up the colic drops and I expected he would just hand them to me. However he didn't and I kind of lost track as to where he last had them. I knew they were in my room somewhere and I figured I would look for them later. Well that later came as I drank some store bought milk, which does not agree with Jonah (or any of my other kiddos as infants for that matter), and I could not find them. I looked high and low. So seeing as how I couldn't find them, plus they were two years old (although not expired) I went online to order some more. I asked Jeremiah to pick them up on the way home and mentioned that knowing Murphy's law I would probably find them before he got them. Yup, how true, how true. I am sitting low on the bed changing Jonah's diaper. My nose is a bit runny from shedding a few tears while watching Little House on the Prairie (can we say hormones!) so I reach for my small box of tissues. How weird that it feels so heavy for a box of tissues I think...until I look inside....Colic Drops!!!Ha, ha, ha. Oh well now we will have a back up bottle.
Ok, off to see if the girls are picking up their mess. Then hopefully we will enjoy a quiet evening together.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Loving our baby
Things are going well over here. I do have to say that the worst of having a new baby is the lack of routine. That has been very hard to deal with this time around. I think it is harder only because we spent the past half a year with a predictable routine. And now its a bit chaotic. I really think the kids do much better on a routine. I am NOT a schedule kind of person, as I have tried that and I just can't make it work. However we do have a routine of getting certain things done in a certain order. But with a newborn, well that all goes out the window :-)
I have been reading more on that wonderful blog I have a link for in one of my recent posts. I have been sooooo encouraged. She had a post on frugality (imagine that, being frugal with 14 kids- I'm joking here) and she mentioned another site that has a cookbook and CD on frugal living. I am really looking into getting it! Some of you may have seen the episodes on TV of large families, one of them being the Jeub family. Here is the link to their book:
I don't have any new pictures to share. I really want to get a picture of all the kiddos on the floor in a spoke wheel fashion. We took one when Saoirse was just a baby. It's time to get an updated spoke wheel!
I had a wonderful friend come over and bring us dinner. She is the person that I get our goat's milk from. She made this wonderful chuck beef over rice. Get was from their own cow! No growth hormones in there! It was very delicious. Not only was the dinner wonderful, but she stayed and talked for a bit, and the fellowship was sweet as well. It is always great to have another perspective on a situation. Sometimes when you are in the thick of things you feel like you are in a deep, dark hole that you will never get out of. It was great to be able to talk with her and just get that renewed spark, that God's mercies are indeed new EVERY morning. As of late I feel like by 8 AM I have out lived those mercies!!!!
We have Jed and Jonah in bed, and Jeremiah is finishing up the girl's history. Then we will spend a bit of time in family worship. Then this big girl is off to bed herself. I have been very fortunate that Jonah does well during the night, but waking and being awake for almost an hour every night, then getting woken at 5:30 AM for the morning feeding....lets just say my eyes are a bit heavy come 9 PM at night :-) Goodnight all!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Last July Birthday
Here are a couple of pictures from tonight.
Look at those faces!!! The cake was a hit by all. We ate early enough, before Jedidiah's feeding time and he actually ate some of the cake! More than he ate at his own birthday! As a side note Jedidiah does not normally eat while sitting ON the table. He was just up there to get close to the action of checking out the cake as it was being cut. As we were passing out the cake he just kinda stayed there.
It is very late....Poor Jeremiah has been trying to figure out our other computer and it has been a no go. Very frustrating. He was trying to put Linux on the other computer but it is not working with our wireless router. So he just informed me that he's scrapping the whole Linux idea and installing Windows. Ah, sounds like a plan to me. I'm not partial to any particular plan as all computer stuff is greek to me!!! But hey, if it works for him, then it works for me :-) Good night all!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Finally some picture with Jedidiah in them
Flannery and her baby brother. He was content to be in her arms for a bit, before he decided that he wanted to go to sleep. And that means he wanted to nurse. Which explains why the baby is not happy in the above photo with Moira, and why the other two girls didn't get a turn today.
Brotherly love. Here is Jedidiah finally willing to hold Jonah. He thought it was pretty neat.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Whole Scoop
So Friday morning through afternoon my braxton hicks were coming every 5 minutes. I decided to call Jeremiah to let him know, but not to come home as these were definite braxton hicks. The girls were really excited. After their afternoon outside time they needed to get washed up. Well Isabella and Moira were getting all dressed up, asking me to do their hair in braids. I asked them why they were getting all decked up and they said it was because this was going to be the last night of eating dinner together as a family of seven, and they wanted to be all pretty for when Daddy came home for dinner. I explained to them that these contractions may mean nothing, like all the other ones I had been having all week long. None the less they got dressed up. By late afternoon the contractions stopped, much to everyone's dismay. So on we go with our evening. We got started late with our family worship time and so it was late when we were wrapping things up. The last 10 minutes of family worship I had three contractions that were painful and not like the braxton hicks. But I figured it could just be the way I was sitting or some other odd known reason, certainly I was not thinking I would ever go into labor at this point :-) We get kids off to bed and its 10 pm. I have another painful contraction. Hmmmm, maybe I should head off to bed to catch some zzzz's in case this is the real thing. I have a couple more by the time I hit the pillow. They were totally irregular. The funny thing is that was the one clue that this may be it!!! All my braxton hicks were totally regularly spaced out. Not these ones, and by golly they hurt! Trying to sleep didn't work. I got up and decided to make up the birth bed and then clean out the pool. I told Jeremiah that I thought this was it. He got up and cleaned the pool for me as I tried to time some of the contractions. They were still totally irregular. By 1 am I am wondering what to do about calling the midwife....wait, call now to let her know, tell her I'll call her later, not on and so forth. I decided for my peace of mind to call her. She showed up about 1:45am. By about 2 I asked her to check me as I wanted to know where I was in this labor. If I was in the early stages then I wanted to get in the pool to see if I could slow things down and maybe catch some sleep. I was highly disappointed to find I was only 3-4 cm and 50-75% effaced. That's it!?! After some 4 hours of painful contractions I'm not even fully effaced? I had a bad feeling about that news! So I decided to get in the pool. After all EVERY one of my other labors I found great relief in the tub/pool. NOPE not this one! I got in and the contractions got worse! After 10 minutes or so I got out. No more of that! So on I go laboring. At some point the assistant midwife shows up. I'm feeling all bummed out that this labor is so painful. The only way for me to handle things was to be standing up. Around 3 am or so things were getting harder. Then about 4;30 am I hit transition. Now certainly with this being my 6th child transition should only last at MOST 20 minutes, right? I mean there should be laws about these types of things! No such law yet, as transition was an hour and a half, and it may have been longer except that I had my midwife check me and I was fully dilated, and my body was just waiting for the bag of water to break. I'll tell you what I was not feeling like I could take one more contraction!! I told her to break my water.....NOW! I am very thankful she did. I had been in the living room almost the whole labor propping myself up by the piano. I had tried some contractions hanging on to Jeremiah, but I was most able to tolerate the contractions by leaning on the piano. As soon as I knew she was going to break my water I made it lickety split to the bedroom and the midwife was shocked to see me on the bed so quick! ha, ha! I was serious I was not willing to go through one more contraction. So she broke my water and it had meconium in it. She said it was more than they like to see, BUT that the baby's heart rate the whole time had been great so she wasn't worried. She was taking the baby's heart tones at least every 10-15 minutes those last three hours of labor, when the contractions were harder. So I start pushing, and pushing, and pushing and, well you get the picture. Again there should be another law that says anyone that has more than a certain number of children should only have to push three times before their baby is born. I pushed for almost an hour. I started pushing at 6 am. I had Jeremiah call someone to come and watch the children not knowing how long this was going to be. Jedidiah decided to wake up early ( I am sure it has something to do with him sleeping in the same room I am trying to push a baby out into this world). I had Jeremiah wake up Isabella to watch him until our wonderful helper would get here. All the girls came running into the room to watch. About 10 minutes before the baby is born our helper comes. She watches Jedidiah as all the girls are glued to their spots waiting for the baby to pop out. I was really getting worn out! They don't call this labor for nothing!!!!! Finally, finally I feel the baby start to move past the inner pelvic bone, a sure sign that he/she will pop out in a minute. On the next contraction I had determined that I was DONE with this labor thing and this baby was coming out! Sure enough I push and push and just about after the contraction ended I almost had the head out, so I just pushed even though I didn't have a contraction because I was not waiting for another contraction. Out comes his head. I am of course screaming my head off (I've done so with all my births) Thankfully I had prepared the girls that I would do that, but I think it still freaked out Saoirse. On the next contraction I knew the shoulder would be born and I was certain like all my other births the baby would slide out like jello. Yeah, I am sure you are guessing the trend, it took more than just a push to get his shoulder out. He wasn't stuck, it just didn't come loose in one push like all my others. And then once the shoulder was out I STILL had to push to get the rest of him out! He didn't just slide out! Silly boy, certainly he didn't read the memo about how a birth should go :-) I have him on my tummy and I have just never been so happy to be DONE!!!!!! I was soooo tired and I really wanted a rest. The pushing contractions kept getting closer and closer at the end so I had less rest each time. I held him a minute before I was ready to turn him over to see if he was a boy or girl. I told Jeremiah that I wanted us to all find out at once. But I guess he and Isabella both saw that it was a boy as he came out. I am very thankful that they kept that to themselves. I know it sounds silly, but I think I would have been devastated had they announced it. I really wanted to see for myself. And so I rolled him over to see that he was all boy :-) We covered him with a towel to keep him warm. He was completely covered in vernix and meconium. The odd thing was that it was old meconium. The midwife said it was so old that it had time to actually stain his cord! It was hard to assess his color since he was so yellow from the vernix and meconium. But his apgares were 8 and 10! He didn't want to nurse for quite a while. And this boy has some lungs!! He was crying about everything. He finally stared to root. I latched him on and I was brought to tears, happy tears, that he was a nursing champion!!! I had already went over my feelings of bringing Jedidiah's nursing time to an early end towards the end of this pregnancy. I had really cried about it all over again during that time. Jedidiah never could latch on right, and although he ate because he had to I knew it wasn't something he really wanted to do. It is kind of hard to describe. So here is this new baby, with the new hope that he would be better able to nurse. And I was just crying tears of joy to see how well he did! And he didn't stop there, he stayed latched on for like an hour and a half!!! The midwives were totally shocked. And to round off this birth story we had to wait for the placenta! It decided to make it's arrival an hour after delivery. My midwife gave me some Angelica Root to bring on some contractions to get the placenta out. Right after that is when Jonah decided to latch on so I had some really strong contractions! The placenta was a normal size (praise God) and in one piece. Then it was time for me to take a big deep breath, knowing it was all over. I was done, I had my precious baby, and I made it through the labor. The labor was only 9 hours long. I had 5 hours of early labor, 1 1/2 hours of working labor, 1 1/2 hours of transition and 1 hour of pushing. Really all in all, that is not bad. The bad thing was not knowing how much longer this was all going to take whilw I was in the middle of it! The really weird/odd/ neat thing about this labor was that I knew if the next contraction was going to be a hard one. I am not sure how I knew that, as it was well before the contraction started that I would know to prepare myself for the next one to come. Very odd. We have a new baby to figure out, and thankfully we are figuring him out much sooner than later :-) This baby was born hungry, and thankfully for him, my milk came in this morning, 48 hours after his birth. He is so much more content now. And the other thing is that he sleeps wonderfully if he is touching us. He has to be up against us and he sleeps like a dream child. Hey, I can work with that for now!
The girls are totally loving on him. I really highly recommend all people have a lot of children. It just gets better with each one. Isabella came into the room this morning and had been helping out with getting breakfast, getting Jedidiah started on his feeding, starting laundry, etc and she says to me, "I just LOVE having a new baby!" I have been so very blessed that everyone here is helping out so much! We have also been blessed to have a hot meal every night since the very first day on Saturday! And will continue to have one for two weeks! I am thankful I had frozen all those breakfast meals as it has made things much easier for everyone else to be helpful. After all even Saoirse can get a muffin out and defrost it. Jeremiah has been directing and taking care of the children. He has done an amazing job!! At one point Jeremiah needed to sleep and I came out to sit on the couch for a bit. I saw a few things needed doing and found a wonderful little way to help get them done. The girls are much happier if they know what specifically they need to pick up. So I got out my post-it-notes and wrote each child's name on one. I wrote down what they each needed to do. They stuck the note to their shirts and went off without complaining to do their work! It really has been an amazing time to see everyone working together.
Well I am sure there were lots of little things to add, but this is novel length already! We are all doing well. I hope to get up more pictures soon. Right now I am on a lap top so the pictures will have to wait.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I'll give all the birthing details later. Both baby and I are doing great! The kids love him. Just tonight Jeremiah was taking all the kids out and Jedidiah put his first two words together, "Bye-bye baby"! How sweet is that?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
this baby is doing something
Ok, so what happened to the baby news that the title reads.....As we were driving around this baby was doing *something*!!!!! I know that tells you a lot. The only way to describe it was he was trying to wriggle on down or something. He (HE I said, my darling sister ;-)) is really low right now. I mean, low. What does this mean. Well for one, it could mean NOTHING. How encouraging that would be. OR it could mean that he is engaging and getting ready to come out. In which case I really should be in bed by now because it is late. I'm off to take my herbs and go catch some ZZZZZ's. Night all!
Granola bar recipe
Granola Bars
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1/4 cup almonds, chopped
1/4 cup oat bran (I add flax seeds instead)
(1/4 cup sunflower seeds)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup honey
(large spoonfuls of peanut butter, I just scoop it in, maybe a half cup)
1/4 tsp almond extract
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp vegetable oil
1. heat oven to 350
2. Combine oats, bran, almonds, cinnamon (and any other dry goods) in a bowl
3. In another bowl mix oil, honey and extracts (and any other wet ingredients)
4. Pour liquid into the dry mix, and stir
5. Press mix into a 7x9 inch pan
6. Bake 12 minutes
7. Cut into bars
8. Bake another 3-5 minutes, until golden
9. cool on rack
Oh, Yummy! I just had one myself before I typed this up. This is a crunchy granola bar and not the soft chewy kind. But for some reason they are really hitting the spot for me these days.
So looks like another house bound day. I am hoping to get the kids outside. Yesterday I ran out of energy to do that. I need to spray them with some bug spray as the mosquitoes have made their appearance here lately. And that means they need to get washed up afterwards, something I had no energy to do. But Moira is lying on the couch really feeling yucky right now. Hopefully with some Motrin she'll be feeling up to getting some fresh air later.
I had a small job for Isa and Moira to do later, but I may have to do it myself if they are not feeling up to it. For hand dish washing, and for cleaning I use washcloths instead of sponges. We buy the utility pack at Walmart. I do not like the large size so I cut them in half and sew up the raw edge. It has been a while since we last did this and my current wash cloths are literally falling apart. So I had Jeremiah buy some new ones the other night, and I cut them in half. Saoirse had the fun job of cutting all the little tags off! Now we just need to sew them up. This is how I will be keeping myself busy until the baby comes. Doing little things here and there. Yesterday I overextended myself and I am very happy that the baby decided not to come last night as I was tuckered out. I got a good nights sleep last night, and will make sure not to repeat that same mistake yesterday!
Off to start the day!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Money saving ideas
Check her blog out, you won't be disappointed. Off to start our day. The first hour was just trying to comfort Jedidiah who was clearly, clearly feeling miserable. Poor little guy. He is feeling better now with a dose of Motrin. I then put together some homemade granola bars. So YUMMY!! I am just loving them. For whatever reason the girls don't care for them, and I say....More for me!!! I found a healthy recipe on line and add a few different goodies, and yummy, yummy. One day when I get the chance I will post the recipe. Now I am off to make some waffles I think. Waffles take much longer than pancakes to make, but the girls really love them, I think more so because we don't have them as often.
Have a great day everyone. I will make sure to post an new news of baby's coming when it comes up.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
prayers appeciated
Thank you all!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Some of this, some of that
Here is Saoirse with her new apron on. I made it in the size 5-6. With patterns you never know what fit you will get. That is why it is essential to measure before hand. I did not do that and am happy that the size is pretty true to what we would consider 5-6.
Flannery wanted in on the picture taking. Not sure why she is standing like she is. She's one silly cookie sometimes. She is a camera ham! She loves getting her picture taken!
This is a picture of Moira's apron I made for her. The long thin straps criss cross in the back, and go through the dark blue ribbon loops and then tie behind the back. The ribbons are a cute idea, but not practical. I will already have to replace them as one has ripped out. I think I will just make a loop from some of the extra left over material. Overall I like how it came out. I do think the pockets could be larger. This pattern said it came in multiple sizes. I was expecting to be like Saoirse's with *many* different sizes. But it came in two, one for a child up to size 8 and then misses. I made the misses for Moira.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Garlic Lemonade
Garlic Lemonade:
4 cups of water
4 bulbs of garlic
1-2 lemons
4-8 tbs honey
Bring the water to a boil. While waiting for water to boil, peel and coarsely chop the garlic. Once boiling, take the water off heat source, add the garlic and cover the pot. Let steep at least 30 minutes (I let it steep longer). Add lemon juice from lemons, and add honey to taste. I personally use only 4 tbs and find it sweet enough. Sip throughout the day while sick. I have really found it helpful!
Another thing I have been doing is a "breathing treatment". I bring a pot of water to boil, then add 1 tsp of ground goldenseal. I then use a towel to put over my head to create a tent and breath in the steam. I can not take goldenseal internally as it could start labor (I'm thinking that wouldn't be such a bad thing!). And I had heard you could do this instead. I had burning in my sinuses and this took it away. I have been doing it three times a day. The deal with natural remedies is that they work the best if started at the first sign of illness. Waiting till you are totally miserable won't get as great of results. Not that there won't be any results, but not as pronounced. Jeremiah, who is much sicker than I and had been sick for a few days (he went on antibiotics, but they are not working) has been doing the garlic and it has helped him.
In other news I have been spending a lot of time to get my half way posterior baby to turn its back to my front. It was discouraging to read that most baby's placentas attach to the back of your uterus and that babies favor facing their placentas. My placenta is attached to the front of my uterus. And so the baby has spent the past four months off the my left side, not fully posterior, but not in the optimal anterior position for labor and delivery. I'm thinking I didn't need to have read that information! Oh well, I am still doing all I can to get this baby to turn. It is not the most comfortable to be head down when you have a cold! Off to do more hands and knees!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
More birthday celebrations
Today Moira turned nine! It turned out to be a decent day, although not the most perfect. Jeremiah and I are both sick, and we spent a lot of time on the couch. But the girls got to decorate the dining room, make and decorate the cake and then go outside to play with the water hose. We had a steak, mashed potatoe and cranberry sauce dinner. Jeremiah gets a kick out of the fact that each girl asks for cranberry sauce for their birthday dinner. After dinner Moira got to open her gifts. Then we ate cake. The cake is a picture of a collie, a theme Moira picked for her day. So here are the pictures of the celebration:
Here is the birthday girl with her birthday sign. She wanted a dog theme, and she got it!
Here is the clan (minus Jeremiah who is taking the picture) in our decorated dining room. Compliments of Isabella.
This is a gift from Isabella. One day Moira asked her what happened to Isabella's dog and Isabella told her that she left it at someone elses house. Smart thinking. The dog and her new owner. Happy together.
Here is a gift from Nana and Grandpa. She got a book (in front of her) and this beautiful red headed doll. The funny thing is that Jedidiah was just as excited as the other girls were to see her. The girls all have baby dolls and Jedidiah has NEVER taken one iota of an interest in them. But this little doll....he just kept asking for it. Too funny.
Here is the birthday girl and her sisters. Moira is wearing my gift, which is an apron. It is hard to see the top as it blends in with her green t-shirt. I am very glad that it fits well.
Here are Isa and Moira modeling with their cake creation. It is a picture of a collie head. It is hard to make out the nose, but they did a very good job. Moira was excited to use the letter candles. They melted very quickly! Hurry, sing quick before the cake burns! Ha, ha.
So it was a wonderful evening. Things are winding down. I am very much looking forward to bed. Not because I am actually tired, but my body just feels worn out from trying to kick this illness. Our new brew here is garlic lemonade. It sounds weird, but actually tastes decent. You drink it warm. The garlic has lots of illness fighting good stuff, and the lemons have lots of vitamin C. It is sweetened with honey to taste. It is a very comforting drink. Jeremiah and I have downed quite a few cups of it since last night. We will all be staying home from church tomorrow. On a regular day going to church wears me out. I LOVE going, but between getting all the kids ready on time, and getting a lunch meal to take with us for the buffet fellowship we have afterwards, then afterwards just watching the kids outside....well by the time I get home I am worn out. So in an effort to continue on towards health before this baby gets here we will be staying home. Thankfully we can Skype in! So we can listen live to our service. Very neat!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Pictures I Promised

A boy and his car....and blocks. He loves blocks. And he loves anything with wheels on it. So here he is with both! Just a cute picture.
And here is the resident pregnant lady. Most of the time people will say that a picture didn't do someone justice, well I think I was given a lot of grace with this one. I was surprised to see that I don't look as big as I feel. At least from the camera's angle. Not too much longer. My midwife asked if I wanted to make another appointment for next week. I really hesitated. I mean if I make one then that might mean I'll *have* to keep it, meaning the baby won't be here. But if I don't make one then the baby can come before that appointment time (that I didn't make). Please note we were totally joking about this. I did make an appointment, which happens to be two days after the baby is due. There will be issues if this baby decides to hold out till then :-) Well there you have it. I can't wait to share Moira's birthday sign and gift with you all. That is if we don't have a baby tomorrow or on her birthday. I'll be too busy if that is the case. Moira thinks it would be the neatest thing to share a birthday. I'm thinking that she may think that now, but give her a few years, and we'll see how she feels then! Ha, ha. Night all!
Update on Jed's infection
On other fronts, poor Jeremiah is sick with some throat thing. He's feeling really bad. I'm thinking of putting everyone in a bubble so no one else gets sick :-) I really, really do not want to be sick myself while in labor. And you know only a mommy can do in a time of sickness and if we have a house full of sick kiddos, and a one or two day old baby.....well.....all I can say is I did NOT sign up for that :-)
I have everything ready here at home. All the meals are done. The cleaning is done. Not all the spring cleaning necessarily, but the general cleaning. I do not want to tackle anything heavy knowing that this baby is coming any day. I am doing a couple of little things on the spring cleaning list here and there, but I am definitely not in full all out cleaning mode. Speaking of baby, today was the day I picked for this baby to be born. And well, we do have quite a few hours left in the day....but there seems to be no sign of a baby coming. Don't ANY of my children listen to me? LOL They start off disobedient right in the womb! I tell ya! Well the next date picked was Moira's birthday which is this Saturday the 12th. We shall see what happens. I really, really (did I say really?) don't want to go late. That would be torture for sure. So this baby has been served it's eviction notice, let's hope that it complies :-)
I hope to put up some pictures tonight. I have an appointment with my midwife tonight, so I'll see how awake I am to do so. I really wanted to make a quick apron for this Saturdays trade day. Someone from church is setting up one day a month that we can all make something to trade. We will get so many tickets based on the value of the item/s we come with. Then we use those tickets to "buy" other peoples goods. It sounds like a lot of fun. We may have to wait till next months trade day.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Jedidiah's doctors appointment
This morning I was up early and getting some small things done. We have a messy house to clean today. Before I began I figured I would cut out an apron pattern for Saoirse. When I had made the girls their aprons she was only a baby, so she is the only one who doesn't have one. I got some cute material to make one for her while I was out at Joanne's the other day. Well wouldn't you know that the makers of the apron pattern messed up. The pattern pieces do NOT fit the material at all!!!! I don't know what these people were thinking. I will have to wait till I can make another trip to buy some more of the material that I have so I can make it. I may just have Jeremiah take the piece I have and get it after work soon. As I don't have much time left before I will be VERY busy and not able to make anything. All my day will be consumed with is feeding, diapers, dressing, washing.... :-) It is amazing how much work one little bitty person makes :-)
Ok, off I go to tackle my work. I started taking pictures of the new ironing board combo thingie, but the camera batteries died. The other ones we had charged do not work anymore, so I charged some more last night. They do work, but I don't have time to take pictures, download them etc. Maybe later tonight.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Our 4th of July weekend

The girls and their decorated pound cake. That cake was demolished soon after!
This is the reason we do NOT leave our porch light on at night. Because if you do (which one of the girls must not have read that memo) and you open the door, well things like this come in!! Monster fly! We had five of them in here. Not all that big, but still, YUCK!!
Jedidiah has really taken to doing somersaults, and jumping and climbing, and.....Here he is having some fun.
All fall down! Look at that precious laugh! Excuse his unbuttoned bottoms. It is sometimes easier to just leave them undone. Between his feedings, diaper changes, extra g-tube cleanings, AND baths (due to throwing up) it seems pretty pointless to button them only to turn around 10 minutes later to undue them again.
Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
A busy day
So yesterday was full and here is what I was able to accomplish:
At breakfast I made up an extra batch of pancakes for the freezer. The girls did school, I checked their work. We went outside for a bit, it was very nice out. Jedidiah played in a muddy puddle most of the time :-) So it was baths all around when we got in. I made bread for our lunch. We folded up and put away all the laundry. I had about 4 loads waiting to be folded. We had to run out and get our goats milk. We stayed for just a bit to chat. When we got home I was able to use the milk for some recipes that I was waiting to get to. So I made two dozen blueberry muffins, for the freezer. I also made up our dinner, which was twice baked potatoes. I made extra so that we have two dinners worth in the freezer. And I put together three dinners worth of sloppy joes. We were going to go to prayer meeting, but it was getting late. And unfortunately at the very end of my pregnancies I hate to be separated from my family. I was going to stay home with Jedidiah and the two youngest girls since Jedidiah didn't have a nap today, and his tummy was upset (from his meds I believe). But Jeremiah decided on another plan.....we all go out for ice cream! Yum! So out we went, then home we came. Got Jed to bed and we did family worship before sending the girls off to bed themselves. And as Moira says, "The End."
So my focus today is to rearrange my freezer. There is NO room left in it. Part of the space is being taken up by bread products to go with our meals. I suppose I should have just waited till we needed them. The only problem is I don't want Jeremiah to keep making store runs every other day after the baby! There are a couple of things that I will take out to eat this week, not any of the precooked food. I want to make up two more dozen blueberry muffins. And when our bananas ripen I want to make four dozen banana muffins. Muffins are a great snack the kids can get on their own. Along with any extra pancakes we have left over with our breakfasts, that is all the extra food I intend to make before the baby comes. Then I want to tackle the cleaning of the bathrooms, and mop the kitchen floor. I also have an appointment with my midwife. She had to cancel out Saturday appointment as she had a birth to go to. Today marks 38 weeks, so only two weeks left! Although I am thinking I will go about a week to 4 days early. Just my guess. Jeremiah's guess is the 7th and all the girls are rooting for the 12th, which is Moira's b-day. I told Moira that if that happens she will be having a late birthday party :-) But she says she doesn't care, because she'll have a baby for her present. LOL I want to get the kids outside as well, since this coming weekend we have days of rain forcasted. I am sure it is only the evening storm type of rains, but still, it would be good to get them out with the nice weather.
Ok, off to make a yummy breakfast.....juicy eggs and hash browns, YUM!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
An interesting picture
What do you notice about these laundry baskets? Anyone? Maybe you said, "Kerri, with the exception of one pink shirt, they are EMPTY." Well by golly you would be right, they are EMPTY!!! It has only taken me two weeks and a couple of days to get ALL of our laundry washed/re-washed (and multiple times I might add to try to kill off the mold). I just ordered that new product I talked about earlier. It should arrive in a week. I am very eager to try it out. For now I am washing things with our regular laundry soap with some added drops of tea tree oil. Then drying as usual.
The Rest of the Birthday day
This is how Jedidiah was looking at us while we were singing "Happy Birthday" to him. I wonder what that says about our singing?
Here's Jedidiah's lick of the cake! He was pretty happy to have his own piece of cake. He just didn't actually eat it. Oh well, maybe next year. He didn't eat his birthday cake last year either. I will be so happy when he eats like a normal child!
Jedidiah's new hat. He loves it! He fell in love with another boy's hat from church, and he had cried and cried when we had to leave and he had to leave the hat behind. So now he has his own.
And this is what he did whenever he wore the hat. He kept running around in circles, we think he was pretending to ride a pony.
I wish I could have gotten a better angle so you could see his face. He was sooooo excited when he opened this gift.
Here's an action shot. I think he got a kick of the football as it's not shaped like a normal ball. He tried them all out. Thankfully we don't have any breakable things hanging out around the house!
Reading time with Daddy. He got some new books about vehicles, and one about eating.
One of his new trucks. He sat there forever just pushing it back and forth. He just sat in that one spot, moving the truck back and forth. Too funny. You can see he had one truck for each hand. He was generous enough to let the other truck be played with by someone else :-)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
It's Birthday Time
Here's Mr. Smiley! He was very eager to be a ham this morning :-) He's the BIG 2!!!
I was trying to catch him pointing to the tractor, which he did many times, I just happened to not catch any of those times. This was immediately after he pointed to the green tractor on the bottom of the sign. I am wondering if he will be able to go to sleep for his nap with so much to look at. LOL