Jedidiah reviewing paperwork :-) I'm not sure what he was looking at, but too cute non the less.
Jonah, doing what he does best....eating toes! Look at that pudge!
Just a cute Jonah picture.
I wrote the following on Jed a few days ago. It was at the bottom of this post as it was in edit form. So I hadn't seen it. This is a bit more indepth than the above info on him.
It finally happened! Our boy was dressed in a pink frilly dress. I had suspicions that the girls were up to something. They are usually not that willing to take the baby! Ha ha! They came out saying, "Look ma at your little girl!" Um, yeah......I am sure Jonah will be thrilled to see these some years from now :-)
Look at this adorable baby! This green sweater is like 30 years old!!!! It was one of mine or my siblings sweater! As is the bonnet. It is a bit on the girly side, but it still makes a cute baby. :-) Yes, my girls are having too much fun with baby clothes. They have the girl clothing in their baby doll basket. Jedidiah was a bit too fragile for them to hold and carry, so they are heaping all their pent up baby dressing desires on poor Jonah.
And this was just too funny not to post. This is Jeremiah enjoying tea with the girls. They got all dressed up and fancied up their small round table for tea. This is what happens when Daddy joins in!
I have received some great comments on my vaccination post! I was pleased, as
I was a bit worried, as it is such a hot topic. I wanted to put my sisters
comment here in a post to be read by all. She is an RN and her insights into
this controversy is worth reading. I didn't want anyone to miss out on it! Ok, off to eat lunch
clean, clean, clean!Well your dear sister here just couldn't NOT post a comment here after
reading all these other wonderful comments. As an RN, I feel like I am a
hypocrite going into work. It's not just about vaccinations, but about all
synthetic drugs massed produced and pushed onto people. I have to administer
these drugs in my job, but I do not believe they are doing anyone any good
vaccinations). SO while I feel I am doing more harm by administering
drugs, I do my utmost to "preach" about natural healing, herbs, and
doing things
the way God intended us to do. Not only do I preach to the
patients, but also
their families and co-workers. Now I have found myself in
a predicament. We
highly encouraged by the hospital to get our flu shots (they are FREE after all
please note the sarcasm!). But I will be refusing mine. The sad thing is most
people I work with are shocked at my decision as they will view me as a
and probably the cause of any of our patients contracting the flu (I
work on the
respiratory floor). It is very sad that doctors and some nurses
understand that people with already compromised immune systems are
more likely
to die after getting a flu or pneumonia vaccine as they are if
they got the
disease in the first place. Vaccines temporarily suppress
your immune system (for
how long is still debatable), so if one
is already ill with something else,
then having one's immune system
suppressed even for a short time can open the
door for some serious problems
to occur in the body. So the entire problem for
me is I will be out of a job
by next year (which is fine as we only plan to have
me work for one year).
But just knowing I will be fired if I refuse my flu shot
is completely
unacceptable to me... by next year word is that flu shots will be
for all hospital workers (at least here in Rochester). This year we
have to
sign a waiver if we refuse-which of course being the trouble maker that
I am
I will try to get away with not signing it! Anyway keep sticking to your
beliefs and of course the most important thing for all to know is KNOW YOUR
RIGHTS. We may live in a "free" country, but our rights our violated all the
time. And if someone "talks" to you more than 2 times about vaccinations and
have made your point very clear, just threaten to sue for harassment, because
that is what it is...pure harassment. Gee I cannot wait to get my license to
practice as a naturopathic doctor!!!!!