I made a skirt for Flannery. I started on it last night and finished it this morning. I love it! It came out exactly how I wanted, it is very easy to do, no paper pattern to have to work with. And practically no cutting (you tear the stips). They have similar skirts that we bought for them last year that are worn out because they wear them all the time. This is much cheaper and they can have them in any color they want. I am sure there is a bunch more that I am forgetting to write about. But for now I have to get the girls some lunch. Enjoy the pictures.

Isabella's Christmas outfit.

Moira's Christmas outfit.

Flannery's Christmas outfit.

Saoirse's Christmas outfit. With a silly look to go along with it!

Jedidiah playing with his just opened Christmas present. He looks too cute.

Jedidiah is not too sure about this big boy thing. He's wearing Jerry hat.

The production cast and members. The girls played out the Christmas story (the Biblical one, not the "shoot your eye out one") for all of us.

Jedidiah getting a taste of some "yummy" rice cereal. I think there is a reason why adults don't eat this stuff.

If babies could talk I am sure Jedidiah is saying something along the lines of: You've got to be kidding! I'm supposed to eat this stuff?!?

Flannery's 3 tierd skirt. I plan on making all the girls one with the fabric I have on hand, then we will go to Walmart to buy some of the material that Flannery's skirt is made of. They had the same pattern in different colors. This way they can wear "matching" skirts without me having to figure out whose is whose (I don't plan on putting tags in them).