Ok, I can't get these pictures to cooperate.
We finally got our tree. A new fake one. This one has a huge space under the tree. Our other tree came right to the floor. So the girls have gone goo-goo over pretending they have a den in the back of the tree. They have been lions or wolves.
We had a busy weekend. It was fun and tiring. Poor Flannery has been making up lost sleep by sleeping in and taking long naps. We had a lot of shopping to do. It took 5 stores before we found a fake tree that wasn't pre-lit. Ugh. The girls were getting concerned that we wouldn't find one. We went to a couple of parties. One at our church and another with the homebirth meet-up group. We had fun at both. Well I need to get some pancakes for Flannery. Enjoy your day!